that thing says it has “a powerful vision pipeline”. that’s good.
I see mention of OpenGL and shaders and “compute units”. that’s very promising.
2D operations help because all you have is images, which are 2D. stereo vision is all about warping and resampling images and comparing parts of images.
convolution/correlation is the most (computationally) expensive component in stereo vision. it’s a dumb operation though, so it is suited ideally for a GPU. CPU cores come with complexity that is wasted on such simple number crunching. that device having multiple CPU cores is nice but the GPU is probably more important for your application.
I see H.264 encode. good. so that’s in principle powerful enough to estimate motion (optical flow), at least using a “fixed function”.
all commonly used video codecs work by encoding how parts of a picture move from frame to frame. decoding is easy, just move the parts and make the block edges disappear. encoding is hard because for every part of the picture you have to look where it came from in the previous frame. that is block matching. video codecs do that within a limited range, but they have to look in all directions.
stereo vision only requires looking along one axis, so that’s “cheaper”.
the disparity map says for every point in one eye, how many pixels to go left/right to find that point in the other eye. knowing that disparity, the distance between eyes, and some camera parameters, you can calculate the distance of that point (triangulation). now that is a depth map because it contains depth expressed in some unit of length.
granted, there’s probably no good way to re-purpose a (hardware) video codec’s motion vector output for this. one factor is that the codec doesn’t stick to the one axis, and even if the data probably causes all motion vectors to be along one axis… eh it’s an idea.
that was mostly to assess the computational power of the device. it having a GPU is a lot more indicative of whether you can do real-time stereo vision with it.
you should contact NXP. they’ll probably be happy to hear about your project and perhaps help you with specific advice, even what parts to select.