has an error with “Segmentation fault (core dumped)” for Node.js add-on

Thank you for your suggestion.
I have tried these. As a result,
In the cas of with wrong file name(namely file not exists), program process has reached to “puts(ok?“ok”:“fail”);” with response “fail”.
But not reached to “catch(cv::Exception ex)”.
In the case of with correct file name(namely file exists), program process has reached to “puts(“Doing at try{}.”);”
and has failed at That is, never reach to “puts(ok?“ok”:“fail”);” and also never to “catch(cv::Exception ex)”.

By the way, a certain Post(*1) pointed out the version differences of Node.js about these “cv::FileStorage Segmentation fault”.
That is, running in node V12.18.2 is ok, but has an error in node V14.19.0.
So I have upgraded Node.js version to Node.js v16.15.1(LTS), But as usual I have error “Segmentation fault”.

*1 : FileStorage run error in node v14.19.0