The request for the fix and improvement of Node.js modules or OpenCV modules about cv::FileStorage()'s “Segmentation fault”

I have programed the node.js plug-in(add-on) code, which called c++/OpenCV’s cv::FileStorage to open the XML file.(See below code)
And it is compiled successfully, but ran an error at in Node.js version more than v14,
prompting a message “Segmentation fault (core dumped)”.
But it is success to be running at in Node.js version v12.18.2.
1.In the case of Node.js v16.15.1, “Segmentation fault” has occured at
2.In the case of Node.js v14.17.6, “Segmentation fault” has occured at
3.In the case of Node.js v12.18.2, the code is running normally with no “Segmentation fault”.

I want to get the c++/OpenCV code be running normally in latest version of Node.js without “Segmentation fault”.
How should I do in order to request for the fix and improvement of Node.js modules or OpenCV modules in terms of cv::FileStorage()'s “Segmentation fault”
to the package’s maintainer?

----C++(OpenCV) side program:
cv::FileStorage fs;
puts(“Doing at try{}.”);
bool flg_ok =“./haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml”, cv::FileStorage::READ); // Segmentation fault (core dumped)
}catch(cv::Exception ex)
puts(“Catch Exception!!”);

My environment :
OS: Ubuntu18.04
OpenCV: version4.5.3
Node.js: version node@16.15.1, @14.17.6, @12.18.2

well, if you wrote that plugin, YOU are the maintainer
(and ppl here likely missed it)

How should I do in order to request for the fix

unfortunately, there’s only YOU to fix it. and no, noone here can or will try to reproduce your problems with node.js versions

again, c++ code above runs flawless with any opencv version i’ve tried.

maybe you can run a debug build, and try to get a stacktrace ?

(and btw, the place where a segfault happens is most ofte not the place, where it is caused, it can be anywhere in your node / wrapper code !)

I may have caused some confusion, not realizing that “OpenCV for node.js” (sounded like a wrapper/FFI) is the same thing as OpenCV.js, which is made with emscripten (?).

Thank you for your advices.
Anyway, I have successed to run the codes of cv::FileStorage() and Cascade Classifire.
Thank you.

Thank you for your comment.
It’s really confused for me about “OpenCV for node.js” and “OpenCV.js”.

Anyway, I have successed to run the codes of cv::FileStorage() and Cascade Classifire.

In conclusion, how did you solve the problem?

  • Have you modified OpenCV code?
  • Have you modified your plug-in code?

It has not been made abundantly clear.

  • Have you modified OpenCV code?


  • Have you modified your plug-in code?


What I have done is just that changed Node.js version from v14,v16 to v12.