Does get pose estimation on ball or spherical shape possible on tomato?

Hi, im looking for a solution for my last assignment in polytechnic.
I already implement canny edge and centroid estimate radius with some smoothing gaussian, deque every 2 sec is bit slow but can get job done for single tomato, still and top down view camera.

recently I used houghcircle and with Non Max Suppresion is still rough and very random for multiple tomato detection.

I already calibrated my camera with checkerboard, and as a time of this writing suggest to move on study/working on homography to integerated for robot arms coordinations

my teacher suggest to you pose estimation in from this video Pose Estimation.

chatgpt suggest me to cheat or artificially use a AR sticker on the tomat. (im using only 1 camera logitech c270)

any input is welcome, thank you

maybe you can show us the assignment (literally) ?