No matter what, which ever compiler I use, it does not compile on Windows?
Has anyone compiled the latest 4.5.3 on windows, and what are the flags and compiler.
I had visual studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019, and tried with older mingw and the latest mingw x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0, but it always give one error or another.
Sorry looks like CMake Issue, it does not take the compiler specified but mixes different compilers. I renamed all the other compilers folder names and then it compiled with VS 2019
See if somebody online has compiled OpenCV for Windows already. What version of Windows are you using?
there are official binary releases on Releases - OpenCV …
I configure and compile on windows well. You need indeed VS2019, cmake installed and in the $env:path
variables starting with $
such as $src
are variables defined in a powershell script.
For instance:
$solution = "OpenCV.sln"
$base = "I:/src/opencv-4.5.3"
$src = $base + "/opencv"
$srcextra = $base + "/opencv_contrib/modules"
$builddir = $base + "/build"
$target = "Visual Studio 16 2019"
$distname = "v453_vtk903_cuda114"
are environement variables, eg., $env:CUDNN
where CUDNN equals C:\lib\cudnn-11.4-x64-v8.2.2.26
To configure (with a certain configuration, feel free to edit yourself):
cmake -G $target -A x64 -S $src `
-DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH="$srcextra" -DPYTHON2_EXECUTABLE="C:\Python27\python.exe" `
-DCUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR="$Env:CUDNN"/include -DCUDNN_LIBRARY="$Env:CUDNN"/lib/x64/cudnn.lib `
To build, rebuild, install, I use those:
MSBuild.exe /m $solution /verbosity:m
MSBuild.exe /m $solution /p:Configuration=Release /verbosity:m
MSBuild.exe /m /t:Rebuild $solution /verbosity:m
MSBuild.exe /m /t:Rebuild $solution /p:Configuration=Release /verbosity:m
MSBuild.exe /m INSTALL.vcxproj /verbosity:m
MSBuild.exe /m INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release /verbosity:m /m