Emgu.CV.CvInvoke throws DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'cvextern'


I’m coding with C# and I’m trying to assign a model (xml file) to a cascadeclassifier object and for some reason a get an exception using the 4.9.0 version but the exact same code compile and works well with the 4.4.0 version (see attached picture for code and more info)

Any ideas why this is happening?


that’s not a matter of the cascade classifier or the xml file.

do you see what the message says?

DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'cvextern':...

that’s a matter between you and your Emgu.

Hello Crackwitz

yes you’re right. it was my fault. I found emgu website the documentation related to this topic(see like below).

To solve the issue i just had to recompile the project changing the platform target to the same used by my PC(see picture below)

thanks for the help

