I have found multiple questions regarding fisheye → equirectangular conversion, in this and other forums. All answers proposed/explained how to implement it from scratch, mostly relying on Paul Bourke’s tutorial. As of 2024, is there really no built-in OpenCV functionality that performs this conversion in simple steps, without manual implementation? The documentation is still hell, unfortunately, and I cannot seem to find anything about it.
sad as it is, you’re right -
neither cube, nor fishmap transformation builtin here
It is a shame, but thanks for confirmation.
I failed miserably by trying to extend Paul Bourke’s (Converting dual fisheye images into a spherical (equirectangular) projection) dual fisheye tutorial to map multiple fisheye frames into a 360deg spherical pano. Are you maybe aware of some resources or OpenCV implemented features that could guide me? Freely accessible resources on multiple fisheye (including rotation & translation between cameras) usage seems to be extremely limited and not beginner-friendly…