Github Actions extraction missing *.dll files

Hey guys,

I’m just trying to include the latest OpenCV (4.10.0) into my build using Github Actions but after the successfull extraction I’m missing opencv_world4100.dll and opencv_world4100d.dll inside the opencv/build/x64/vc16/bin directory (there are only opencv_world4100.pdb and opencv_world4100d.pdb files).
When I’m extracting the same package on my laptop using the same command (./opencv.exe -o"./" -y ) the *.dll files are in a bin folder. Don’t know on which side the problem is, Github Actions’ or OpenCV’s.
Anyway, there are commands that I’m using to download and extract OpenCV on the virtual machine (YML file):

      - name: Download and Extract OpenCV
        shell: pwsh
        run: |
          curl -L "" -o opencv.exe
          ./opencv.exe -o"./" -y 
          echo "OpenCV extraction complete."
          echo "OPENCV_LATEST=$(pwd)/opencv/build/x64/vc16" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV

Verification process:

      - name: Verify OpenCV Directory
        shell: pwsh
        run: |
          echo "OPENCV_LATEST is: ${{ env.OPENCV_LATEST }}"
          dir ${{ env.OPENCV_LATEST }}/..
          dir ${{ env.OPENCV_LATEST }}
          dir ${{ env.OPENCV_LATEST }}/bin
          dir ${{ env.OPENCV_LATEST }}/lib

The Github’s output:

    Directory: D:\a\Project\Project\opencv\build\x64

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d----            6/2/2024  4:46 PM                vc16

    Directory: D:\a\Project\Project\opencv\build\x64\vc16

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d----           8/27/2024 11:51 AM                bin
d----           8/27/2024 11:51 AM                lib

    Directory: D:\a\Project\Project\opencv\build\x64\vc16\bin

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a---            6/2/2024  4:50 PM       38555648 opencv_world4100.pdb
-a---            6/2/2024  4:45 PM      271077376 opencv_world4100d.pdb

    Directory: D:\a\Project\Project\opencv\build\x64\vc16\lib

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a---            6/2/2024  4:50 PM        3686416 opencv_world4100.lib
-a---            6/2/2024  4:45 PM        3775276 opencv_world4100d.lib
-a---            6/2/2024  4:42 PM            434 OpenCVConfig-version.cmake
-a---            6/2/2024  4:42 PM          15284 OpenCVConfig.cmake
-a---            6/2/2024  4:42 PM            954 OpenCVModules-debug.cmake
-a---            6/2/2024  4:42 PM            960 OpenCVModules-release.cmake
-a---            6/2/2024  4:42 PM           3231 OpenCVModules.cmake

Many thanks for any advice.