Hand-eye calibration advice

Hello, I would be very thankful for any advice regarding openCV hand-eye calibration.

I am working on robotic station, where I need to pick planary objects using 7-DOF uFactory Robot
Robot is equipped with custom gripper and basler ace camera working of resolution 2046x2046.

The TCP of robot is set to middle of end-effector flange and pointing down.

The camera is mounted with approx. offsets:
x=-70 mm
y=0 mm
z=+60 mm

I have tried both charuco and classic chessboard to calibrate both the camera and the hand-eye using different scripts.
Both come with very similar results. The calibration of camera seems pretty straightforward, but there is one thing I am unsure:

Camera matrix result:

array([[4923.,    0., 1016.],
       [   0., 4935., 1065.],
       [   0.,    0.,    1.]])

Isn’t it strange, that principal point (1016, 1065) is so far from center (1023, 1023)?
I don’t know if this affects following hand-eye calibration.

  1. Using different scripts the results seems promising, for example PARK
        [ -2.82522451],
        [ 65.0670899 ]])


array([[ 0.05361909,  0.99856145,  0.00014278],
       [-0.99842409,  0.05360934,  0.01659471],
       [ 0.01656318, -0.00103234,  0.99986229]])

Problem is, when I try to use the hand-eye results to move on specific marker, the resulting position is very inaccurate and there is
obvious problem mainly in Y axis calculation. My steps to verify:

  • one aruco marker is scanned with camera/gripper pointing downwards aligned with Z axis
    Z=650, Y=0, X=400, roll=-180, pitch=0, yaw=0

    the result position is [389.91190695 -31.11663879 -2.33965417]

  • changing only Z axis to 550

    the result is [390.43870439 -26.6417014 -2.39286384]

So only by changing the Z position of camera, the computed object position on Y axis is shifted 5 mm on static marker.

I also tried to use flag cv2.CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT when calculating camera matrix, which slightly changes the computed results, but the error trend on Y axis is still there.

My simplified code to use calibration:

#actual gripper position
x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw = robotPose # [350, 0, 550, -np.pi, 0, 0]

#center of aruco marker
image_coords = np.array([[int(centerX)], [int(centerY)], [1]])

#z distance in camera frame is distance of gripper above base plane minus eye-hand z offset, right?
#-3 is because, the paper with marker is 3 mm under base plane
object_in_camera_coords = ((z-3)-hand_eye_translations[selectedMethod][2]) * np.dot(camera_matrix_inv, image_coords)
object_in_camera_coords = object_in_camera_coords.reshape((3,1))

object_in_gripper_coords = np.dot(hand_eye_rotation, object_in_camera_coords) + hand_eye_translation

robotMatrix = create_transformation_matrix(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw)

robot_to_base_rotation = robotMatrix[0:3, 0:3] #np.array([[1,0,0], [0,-1,0], [0,0,-1]])   
robot_to_base_translation = robotMatrix[0:3, 3].reshape(3, 1)  

object_in_base_coords = np.dot(robot_to_base_rotation, object_in_gripper_coords) + robot_to_base_translation
object_in_base_coords = object_in_base_coords.flatten()

More code:

def create_transformation_matrix(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, degrees=False):
    R = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', [roll, pitch, yaw], degrees=degrees).as_matrix()
    t = np.array([x, y, z]).reshape(3, 1)
    T = np.eye(4)
    T[:3, :3] = R
    T[:3, 3] = t.flatten()
    return T

Images and robot poses used for calibration: HandEyeCalibrationData - Google Drive

Robot poses are pickled arrays [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]

I really don’t know where to search for the problem, because thu numbers somehow corresponds with reality, but not accurately?

It seems, that the accuracy of the robot positions is poor for this type of calibration, which relies on the poses of robot

We made precision test: with sharp Pointer, we pined the pointer on four corners of rectange with dimensions 250x150 mm using the pointer to the cardboard paper in z=0 (exact xy coordinates: [380,100], [380,-150], [230,-150], [230,100], z=150).

By measuring the resulting rectangle, we found out, that the actual dimensions are 253, 150, 251, 148 and the diagonals are 295.5 vs 290.7 mm.

The response on this issue from uFactory forum: This year, we developed a new calibration algorithm to improve the absolute accuracy from 4-6mm to 1-3mm. If you want, you need to ship the arm back to do the calibration.

It seems, that this robot is rather intended for repeated tasks on fixed positions, than dynamic calculations based on current position.