Hey team, I have around 40 images and need to concat them into 1 and in order.
the possible aspect ratio can be 4x5 or 5x4 based on how many images will be in rows and how many in columns.
I tried using hconcat and vconcat but that needs some overlapping on the image edges.
I also tried image stitching but 2 images can be similar but not of same object so stitching is assuming them to be same and not working properly.
I am assuming I need some solution where I am applying stitching after the concat just to remove duplicates.
there are 2 sample data on it.
This is basically what I wanted to try
My product is a roll.
I have a camera that takes photos of my product.
I take about 40 or 50 photos to complete the overview.
i need to merge them firstly and compare with the tiff file of my roll.
and detect some defects on it
i need to see differences like in a diff
but the most important thing, i don’t have 2 photos to compare
i have 1 TIFF file and 40-50 or 60 small photos that will be same as tiff file when connected
In the sample there are 2 folders
“230816_14/230816_14” and
Where each folder contains 20 pictures
There are tiff files for both of these samples
“23.08.16_13.jpg” and “23.08.16_14.tif”
File extension doesn’t matter here.