Is there an app or software that could detect the volume of liquid spills on the floor?

Hello, I’m currently involved in a research project at my university, and I’m exploring options for detecting the volume of liquid spills on the floor. I’m curious if there’s an app available for download that can perform this task, either through analyzing photos or using a smartphone’s camera. Thank you for any information or guidance you can provide!

I’m curious if there’s an app available for download that can perform this task

unfortunately, not so, here.
opencv is a computer-vision library, it will give you tools & building blocks to write your own apps, but there are no ‘ready-mades’ for your purpose.

additionally, the volume of “spills” on flat surfaces is impossible to estimate. you won’t know the thickness (third dimension), even if you managed to get accurate measurements for its area, which (both thickness and area) is impossible from just a picture and nothing else.

Hello, I was wondering if there was an app that can be used with a camera to detect liquid such as water. Just the area of the liquid? This could be on leveled floor.

I don’t know if it exists, but if I needed to do that, I would try to use a RGBD camera with a high precision. I would use edge detection to estimate the area of the liquid at a known distance and depth image to estimate the volume. But I have a feeling it might not be as simple as that!

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