Line2D on Opencv


I try to find the implementation of Line2D in cpp. I think there is a implementation of LineMOD in OpenCV but what about Line2D?

I try to find it on opencv documentation without success.

what is “line2d” supposed to be/do? it’s not documented so it probably doesn’t exist.

The original paper is paper “Gradient Response Maps for Real-time Detection of Texture-less Objects”

context: this seems to be about object detection in point clouds and both methods appear to be by Hinterstoisser

I see that LINE-MOD seems to have an implementation in OpenCV. I don’t see any mention of “line2d”.

this hints that in 2012 it seem to have existed, or is part of the “linemod” code: Object recognition by edge (or corners) matching ? - OpenCV Q&A Forum

Thank you for the answer