I uploaded a new issue to OpenCV.
opened 11:16AM - 07 Sep 22 UTC
Hi, all
I am using OpenCV 4.5.4 version on Ubuntu 22.04.
This is my first ti… me, so I am trying to practice the opencv by following this website:
This example is about how to do camera calibration using XML ( I can tell )
So I copied camera_calibration.cpp file from https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/camera_calibration/camera_calibration.cpp
I tried to use XML files, so
**I guess my error is coming from here:**
**I am not sure how to put the right path in my case.**
From here, this is my working environment
Anyway, I would like to copy my problem here as well.
Hi, all.
I am using OpenCV 4.5.4 on Ubuntu 22.04.
This is my first time, so I am trying to practice the openCV by following this website:
This example is about how to do camera calibration using XML ( I can tell )
So I copied the camera_calibration.cpp file, also the XML files based on their guidance.
I guess my error is coming from here:
I am not sure how to put the right path in my case.
do not post usage questions to the issue tracker.