I am trying to save and load instances of the BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 class in Python. There is no problem with saving it, using the ‘save’ method derived from the Algorithm class. But I came across problems with loading it. It seems the Algorithm’s ‘load’ method does not work in python. I tried using read/write methods instead but without success. Is there any possibility to save/load instances of Algorithm derived classes in Python?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
indeed, that is not implemented.
I tried using read/write methods instead
you should be able to do that (read it into a FileStorage, get the root() FileNode and read the bgmog data from there)
however, be aware, it only serializes the params (what you can get/set there), NOT the internal state, so if you start a new instance, it still needs to process a few thousand images to work properly, you cannot save that !
Thank you very much for the explanation. Everything is clear now.
It seems that using write/read is not what I really need. Anyway, I can rewrite the code in C++ (fortunately it is an option for me).