Hi, i followed this video to install and link opencv 4.5.3 : LEARN OPENCV C++ in 4 HOURS | Including 3x Projects | Computer Vision - YouTube. However when i try to start, it fail with an error : lnk1104-cannot-open-file-kernel32-lib. From what i researched some people fixed it by updating or downgrading their windows sdk. I tried several versions. I checked and the file is where it should and my linker setting points to it.
^^ Thanks for your anwer.
I tried before to make the lib for mngw with cmake but it didn’t workout .
I thought that a premade one would be easier so that why i tried the premade vs15 ones.
I will go back a retry to use cmake for both mingw and vs.
I will probably reinstalll vs2019 totally too.
In the mean time i found a premade 4.5.2 for mingw so i can still follow tutorials.