NVIDIA Xavier OpenCV built from source tests fail


In order to build opencv from source for Xavier Dev Board with Jetpack 5.1.2, I modified and used the script here, which is referenced by Jetson Zoo.
I enabled cuda and include contrib in my modified built script.

The built operation seems successful for OpenvCV 4.4.0, 4.5.4, 4.10.0.
But when I built by enabling the tests even if the builts are successful approximately 80% of the tests fail.

Does the tests need additional operations which are not included in the script?
Should I download anything for the tests?

I appreciate any help

Which tests and what is the reason give for the failure?

If its CUDA related tests then its most likely due to the use of the


flag in your build script as the tests were generated without this optimization.

Thank you for the quick answer,

Here are our flags:

        -D BUILD_opencv_python2=OFF
        -D BUILD_opencv_python3=ON
        -D CUDA_ARCH_BIN=7.2
        -D EIGEN_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/eigen3
        -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=/tmp/build_opencv/opencv_contrib/modules
        -D WITH_CUDA=ON
        -D WITH_CUDNN=ON
        -D WITH_LIBV4L=ON
        -D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3
        -D PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3
        -D PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.8
        -D PYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/python3.8/config-3.8-aarch64-linux-gnu/libpython3.8.so"

For 4.5.4 build here are the logs:

Running tests...
Test project /tmp/build_opencv/opencv/build
        Start   1: opencv_test_cudev
  1/126 Test   #1: opencv_test_cudev .................   Passed    4.85 sec
        Start   2: opencv_test_core
  2/126 Test   #2: opencv_test_core ..................***Failed  113.24 sec
        Start   3: opencv_perf_core
  3/126 Test   #3: opencv_perf_core ..................   Passed  986.87 sec
        Start   4: opencv_sanity_core
  4/126 Test   #4: opencv_sanity_core ................***Failed  108.95 sec
        Start   5: opencv_test_cudaarithm
  5/126 Test   #5: opencv_test_cudaarithm ............***Failed   20.95 sec
        Start   6: opencv_perf_cudaarithm
  6/126 Test   #6: opencv_perf_cudaarithm ............   Passed   57.23 sec
        Start   7: opencv_sanity_cudaarithm
  7/126 Test   #7: opencv_sanity_cudaarithm ..........***Failed   28.13 sec
        Start   8: opencv_test_flann
  8/126 Test   #8: opencv_test_flann .................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start   9: opencv_test_imgproc
  9/126 Test   #9: opencv_test_imgproc ...............***Failed   98.55 sec
        Start  10: opencv_perf_imgproc
 10/126 Test  #10: opencv_perf_imgproc ...............***Failed  1387.81 sec
        Start  11: opencv_sanity_imgproc
 11/126 Test  #11: opencv_sanity_imgproc .............***Failed  123.54 sec
        Start  12: opencv_test_intensity_transform
 12/126 Test  #12: opencv_test_intensity_transform ...***Failed    0.04 sec
        Start  13: opencv_test_ml
 13/126 Test  #13: opencv_test_ml ....................***Failed    5.41 sec
        Start  14: opencv_test_phase_unwrapping
 14/126 Test  #14: opencv_test_phase_unwrapping ......   Passed    0.49 sec
        Start  15: opencv_test_quality
 15/126 Test  #15: opencv_test_quality ...............***Failed    0.04 sec
        Start  16: opencv_test_reg
 16/126 Test  #16: opencv_test_reg ...................***Failed    0.04 sec
        Start  17: opencv_perf_reg
 17/126 Test  #17: opencv_perf_reg ...................   Passed    9.98 sec
        Start  18: opencv_sanity_reg
 18/126 Test  #18: opencv_sanity_reg .................   Passed    0.70 sec
        Start  19: opencv_test_cudafilters
 19/126 Test  #19: opencv_test_cudafilters ...........   Passed   29.14 sec
        Start  20: opencv_perf_cudafilters
 20/126 Test  #20: opencv_perf_cudafilters ...........   Passed   24.95 sec
        Start  21: opencv_sanity_cudafilters
 21/126 Test  #21: opencv_sanity_cudafilters .........***Failed    7.53 sec
        Start  22: opencv_test_cudaimgproc
 22/126 Test  #22: opencv_test_cudaimgproc ...........***Failed    5.92 sec
        Start  23: opencv_perf_cudaimgproc
 23/126 Test  #23: opencv_perf_cudaimgproc ...........***Failed   62.61 sec
        Start  24: opencv_sanity_cudaimgproc
 24/126 Test  #24: opencv_sanity_cudaimgproc .........***Failed   22.40 sec
        Start  25: opencv_test_cudawarping
 25/126 Test  #25: opencv_test_cudawarping ...........***Failed   32.70 sec
        Start  26: opencv_perf_cudawarping
 26/126 Test  #26: opencv_perf_cudawarping ...........   Passed  102.16 sec
        Start  27: opencv_sanity_cudawarping
 27/126 Test  #27: opencv_sanity_cudawarping .........***Failed   90.07 sec
        Start  28: opencv_test_dnn
 28/126 Test  #28: opencv_test_dnn ...................***Failed   19.67 sec
        Start  29: opencv_perf_dnn
 29/126 Test  #29: opencv_perf_dnn ...................***Failed  139.74 sec
        Start  30: opencv_sanity_dnn
 30/126 Test  #30: opencv_sanity_dnn .................***Failed   55.11 sec
        Start  31: opencv_test_dnn_superres
 31/126 Test  #31: opencv_test_dnn_superres ..........***Failed    0.07 sec
        Start  32: opencv_perf_dnn_superres
 32/126 Test  #32: opencv_perf_dnn_superres ..........***Failed    0.15 sec
        Start  33: opencv_sanity_dnn_superres
 33/126 Test  #33: opencv_sanity_dnn_superres ........***Failed    0.08 sec
        Start  34: opencv_test_features2d
 34/126 Test  #34: opencv_test_features2d ............***Failed   55.25 sec
        Start  35: opencv_perf_features2d
 35/126 Test  #35: opencv_perf_features2d ............***Failed   26.46 sec
        Start  36: opencv_sanity_features2d
 36/126 Test  #36: opencv_sanity_features2d ..........***Failed    2.15 sec
        Start  37: opencv_test_fuzzy
 37/126 Test  #37: opencv_test_fuzzy .................***Failed    0.05 sec
        Start  38: opencv_test_img_hash
 38/126 Test  #38: opencv_test_img_hash ..............   Passed    0.09 sec
        Start  39: opencv_test_imgcodecs
 39/126 Test  #39: opencv_test_imgcodecs .............***Failed   22.05 sec
        Start  40: opencv_perf_imgcodecs
 40/126 Test  #40: opencv_perf_imgcodecs .............   Passed    0.14 sec
        Start  41: opencv_sanity_imgcodecs
 41/126 Test  #41: opencv_sanity_imgcodecs ...........   Passed    0.05 sec
        Start  42: opencv_test_line_descriptor
 42/126 Test  #42: opencv_test_line_descriptor .......***Failed    1.79 sec
        Start  43: opencv_perf_line_descriptor
 43/126 Test  #43: opencv_perf_line_descriptor .......***Failed    9.47 sec
        Start  44: opencv_sanity_line_descriptor
 44/126 Test  #44: opencv_sanity_line_descriptor .....***Failed    0.22 sec
        Start  45: opencv_test_photo
 45/126 Test  #45: opencv_test_photo .................***Failed    0.58 sec
        Start  46: opencv_perf_photo
 46/126 Test  #46: opencv_perf_photo .................***Failed   25.15 sec
        Start  47: opencv_sanity_photo
 47/126 Test  #47: opencv_sanity_photo ...............***Failed    2.96 sec
        Start  48: opencv_test_saliency
 48/126 Test  #48: opencv_test_saliency ..............   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  49: opencv_test_text
 49/126 Test  #49: opencv_test_text ..................***Failed    0.09 sec
        Start  50: opencv_test_videoio
 50/126 Test  #50: opencv_test_videoio ...............***Failed    2.44 sec
        Start  51: opencv_perf_videoio
 51/126 Test  #51: opencv_perf_videoio ...............***Failed    0.24 sec
        Start  52: opencv_sanity_videoio
 52/126 Test  #52: opencv_sanity_videoio .............***Failed    0.15 sec
        Start  53: opencv_test_wechat_qrcode
 53/126 Test  #53: opencv_test_wechat_qrcode .........***Failed    0.07 sec
        Start  54: opencv_test_xphoto
 54/126 Test  #54: opencv_test_xphoto ................***Failed    0.30 sec
        Start  55: opencv_perf_xphoto
 55/126 Test  #55: opencv_perf_xphoto ................   Passed   24.36 sec
        Start  56: opencv_sanity_xphoto
 56/126 Test  #56: opencv_sanity_xphoto ..............***Failed    1.19 sec
        Start  57: opencv_test_barcode
 57/126 Test  #57: opencv_test_barcode ...............***Failed    0.07 sec
        Start  58: opencv_test_calib3d
 58/126 Test  #58: opencv_test_calib3d ...............***Failed   61.48 sec
        Start  59: opencv_perf_calib3d
 59/126 Test  #59: opencv_perf_calib3d ...............***Failed   41.93 sec
        Start  60: opencv_sanity_calib3d
 60/126 Test  #60: opencv_sanity_calib3d .............***Failed    6.01 sec
        Start  61: opencv_test_cudacodec
 61/126 Test  #61: opencv_test_cudacodec .............   Passed    0.08 sec
        Start  62: opencv_perf_cudacodec
 62/126 Test  #62: opencv_perf_cudacodec .............   Passed    0.21 sec
        Start  63: opencv_sanity_cudacodec
 63/126 Test  #63: opencv_sanity_cudacodec ...........   Passed    0.15 sec
        Start  64: opencv_test_cudafeatures2d
 64/126 Test  #64: opencv_test_cudafeatures2d ........***Failed    1.61 sec
        Start  65: opencv_perf_cudafeatures2d
 65/126 Test  #65: opencv_perf_cudafeatures2d ........***Failed   10.31 sec
        Start  66: opencv_sanity_cudafeatures2d
 66/126 Test  #66: opencv_sanity_cudafeatures2d ......***Failed    1.01 sec
        Start  67: opencv_test_cudastereo
 67/126 Test  #67: opencv_test_cudastereo ............***Failed    3.57 sec
        Start  68: opencv_perf_cudastereo
 68/126 Test  #68: opencv_perf_cudastereo ............***Failed    0.60 sec
        Start  69: opencv_sanity_cudastereo
 69/126 Test  #69: opencv_sanity_cudastereo ..........***Failed    0.32 sec
        Start  70: opencv_test_highgui
 70/126 Test  #70: opencv_test_highgui ...............   Passed    8.54 sec
        Start  71: opencv_test_mcc
 71/126 Test  #71: opencv_test_mcc ...................***Failed    0.36 sec
        Start  72: opencv_test_objdetect
 72/126 Test  #72: opencv_test_objdetect .............***Failed    1.94 sec
        Start  73: opencv_perf_objdetect
 73/126 Test  #73: opencv_perf_objdetect .............***Failed  180.67 sec
        Start  74: opencv_sanity_objdetect
 74/126 Test  #74: opencv_sanity_objdetect ...........***Failed   11.23 sec
        Start  75: opencv_test_rapid
 75/126 Test  #75: opencv_test_rapid .................   Passed    0.07 sec
        Start  76: opencv_test_rgbd
 76/126 Test  #76: opencv_test_rgbd ..................***Failed   59.98 sec
        Start  77: opencv_perf_rgbd
 77/126 Test  #77: opencv_perf_rgbd ..................   Passed    5.54 sec
        Start  78: opencv_sanity_rgbd
 78/126 Test  #78: opencv_sanity_rgbd ................   Passed    5.07 sec
        Start  79: opencv_test_shape
 79/126 Test  #79: opencv_test_shape .................***Failed    0.04 sec
        Start  80: opencv_test_structured_light
 80/126 Test  #80: opencv_test_structured_light ......***Failed    1.94 sec
        Start  81: opencv_test_video
 81/126 Test  #81: opencv_test_video .................***Failed    4.31 sec
        Start  82: opencv_perf_video
 82/126 Test  #82: opencv_perf_video .................***Failed   40.66 sec
        Start  83: opencv_sanity_video
 83/126 Test  #83: opencv_sanity_video ...............***Failed    2.42 sec
        Start  84: opencv_test_xfeatures2d
 84/126 Test  #84: opencv_test_xfeatures2d ...........***Failed    0.28 sec
        Start  85: opencv_perf_xfeatures2d
 85/126 Test  #85: opencv_perf_xfeatures2d ...........***Failed    0.30 sec
        Start  86: opencv_sanity_xfeatures2d
 86/126 Test  #86: opencv_sanity_xfeatures2d .........***Failed    0.26 sec
        Start  87: opencv_test_ximgproc
 87/126 Test  #87: opencv_test_ximgproc ..............***Failed   76.54 sec
        Start  88: opencv_perf_ximgproc
 88/126 Test  #88: opencv_perf_ximgproc ..............***Failed  292.21 sec
        Start  89: opencv_sanity_ximgproc
 89/126 Test  #89: opencv_sanity_ximgproc ............***Failed  159.35 sec
        Start  90: opencv_test_aruco
 90/126 Test  #90: opencv_test_aruco .................***Failed    2.33 sec
        Start  91: opencv_test_bgsegm
 91/126 Test  #91: opencv_test_bgsegm ................***Failed    0.08 sec
        Start  92: opencv_test_bioinspired
 92/126 Test  #92: opencv_test_bioinspired ...........***Failed    0.06 sec
        Start  93: opencv_perf_bioinspired
 93/126 Test  #93: opencv_perf_bioinspired ...........***Failed    0.12 sec
        Start  94: opencv_sanity_bioinspired
 94/126 Test  #94: opencv_sanity_bioinspired .........***Failed    0.06 sec
        Start  95: opencv_test_cudabgsegm
 95/126 Test  #95: opencv_test_cudabgsegm ............   Passed    0.08 sec
        Start  96: opencv_perf_cudabgsegm
 96/126 Test  #96: opencv_perf_cudabgsegm ............   Passed    0.22 sec
        Start  97: opencv_sanity_cudabgsegm
 97/126 Test  #97: opencv_sanity_cudabgsegm ..........   Passed    0.15 sec
        Start  98: opencv_test_cudalegacy
 98/126 Test  #98: opencv_test_cudalegacy ............***Failed   14.00 sec
        Start  99: opencv_perf_cudalegacy
 99/126 Test  #99: opencv_perf_cudalegacy ............   Passed    3.41 sec
        Start 100: opencv_sanity_cudalegacy
100/126 Test #100: opencv_sanity_cudalegacy ..........***Failed    0.62 sec
        Start 101: opencv_test_cudaobjdetect
101/126 Test #101: opencv_test_cudaobjdetect .........***Failed    0.32 sec
        Start 102: opencv_perf_cudaobjdetect
102/126 Test #102: opencv_perf_cudaobjdetect .........***Failed    0.35 sec
        Start 103: opencv_sanity_cudaobjdetect
103/126 Test #103: opencv_sanity_cudaobjdetect .......***Failed    0.29 sec
        Start 104: opencv_test_face
104/126 Test #104: opencv_test_face ..................***Failed    0.44 sec
        Start 105: opencv_test_gapi
105/126 Test #105: opencv_test_gapi ..................***Failed  175.20 sec
        Start 106: opencv_perf_gapi
106/126 Test #106: opencv_perf_gapi ..................***Failed  873.82 sec
        Start 107: opencv_sanity_gapi
107/126 Test #107: opencv_sanity_gapi ................***Failed  174.62 sec
        Start 108: opencv_test_optflow
108/126 Test #108: opencv_test_optflow ...............***Failed    2.14 sec
        Start 109: opencv_perf_optflow
109/126 Test #109: opencv_perf_optflow ...............***Failed    8.76 sec
        Start 110: opencv_sanity_optflow
110/126 Test #110: opencv_sanity_optflow .............***Failed    9.75 sec
        Start 111: opencv_test_stitching
111/126 Test #111: opencv_test_stitching .............***Failed    0.20 sec
        Start 112: opencv_perf_stitching
112/126 Test #112: opencv_perf_stitching .............***Failed   40.98 sec
        Start 113: opencv_sanity_stitching
113/126 Test #113: opencv_sanity_stitching ...........***Failed    4.41 sec
        Start 114: opencv_test_tracking
114/126 Test #114: opencv_test_tracking ..............***Failed    3.04 sec
        Start 115: opencv_perf_tracking
115/126 Test #115: opencv_perf_tracking ..............***Failed    0.28 sec
        Start 116: opencv_sanity_tracking
116/126 Test #116: opencv_sanity_tracking ............***Failed    0.18 sec
        Start 117: opencv_test_cudaoptflow
117/126 Test #117: opencv_test_cudaoptflow ...........***Failed    0.33 sec
        Start 118: opencv_perf_cudaoptflow
118/126 Test #118: opencv_perf_cudaoptflow ...........***Failed    0.36 sec
        Start 119: opencv_sanity_cudaoptflow
119/126 Test #119: opencv_sanity_cudaoptflow .........***Failed    0.29 sec
        Start 120: opencv_test_stereo
120/126 Test #120: opencv_test_stereo ................***Failed    0.07 sec
        Start 121: opencv_perf_stereo
121/126 Test #121: opencv_perf_stereo ................   Passed   12.49 sec
        Start 122: opencv_sanity_stereo
122/126 Test #122: opencv_sanity_stereo ..............   Passed    1.57 sec
        Start 123: opencv_test_superres
123/126 Test #123: opencv_test_superres ..............   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start 124: opencv_perf_superres
124/126 Test #124: opencv_perf_superres ..............   Passed   16.65 sec
        Start 125: opencv_sanity_superres
125/126 Test #125: opencv_sanity_superres ............***Failed    7.65 sec
        Start 126: opencv_test_videostab
126/126 Test #126: opencv_test_videostab .............   Passed    4.16 sec

25% tests passed, 95 tests failed out of 126

This is strange, what is the reason given for the failure? I don’t know anything about the Jetson but the CI for OpenCV has ARM64 on Ubuntu 2004 and the core tests definitely pass.

I will also add test results for


as soon as the test results are available.



we have one less test error.
Only test 5, opencv_test_cudaarithm, returns passed instead of failed.

Here are some logs from built.
I can provide other necessary parts of the log.

-- General configuration for OpenCV 4.5.4 
--   Version control:               4.5.4
--   Extra modules:
--     Location (extra):            /tmp/build_opencv/opencv_contrib/modules
--     Version control (extra):     4.5.4
--   Platform:
--     Timestamp:                   2024-12-06T11:30:52Z
--     Host:                        Linux 5.10.120-tegra aarch64
--     CMake:                       3.30.3
--     CMake generator:             Unix Makefiles
--     CMake build tool:            /usr/bin/make
--     Configuration:               RELEASE
--   CPU/HW features:
--     Baseline:                    NEON FP16
--       required:                  NEON
--   C/C++:
--     Built as dynamic libs?:      YES
--     C++ standard:                17
--     C++ Compiler:                /usr/bin/c++  (ver 9.4.0)
--     C++ flags (Release):         -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wuninitialized -Wsuggest-override -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -Wimplicit-fallthrough=3 -Wno-strict-overflow -fdiagnostics-show-option -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections    -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O3 -DNDEBUG  -DNDEBUG
--     C++ flags (Debug):           -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wuninitialized -Wsuggest-override -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -Wimplicit-fallthrough=3 -Wno-strict-overflow -fdiagnostics-show-option -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections    -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -g  -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
--     C Compiler:                  /usr/bin/cc
--     C flags (Release):           -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wuninitialized -Wno-comment -Wimplicit-fallthrough=3 -Wno-strict-overflow -fdiagnostics-show-option -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections    -fvisibility=hidden -O3 -DNDEBUG  -DNDEBUG
--     C flags (Debug):             -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wuninitialized -Wno-comment -Wimplicit-fallthrough=3 -Wno-strict-overflow -fdiagnostics-show-option -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections    -fvisibility=hidden -g  -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
--     Linker flags (Release):      -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--as-needed  
--     Linker flags (Debug):        -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--as-needed  
--     ccache:                      NO
--     Precompiled headers:         NO
--     Extra dependencies:          m pthread cudart_static dl rt nppc nppial nppicc nppidei nppif nppig nppim nppist nppisu nppitc npps cublas cudnn cufft -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -L/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
--     3rdparty dependencies:
--   OpenCV modules:
--     To be built:                 alphamat aruco barcode bgsegm bioinspired calib3d ccalib core cudaarithm cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev datasets dnn dnn_objdetect dnn_superres dpm face features2d flann freetype fuzzy gapi hfs highgui img_hash imgcodecs imgproc intensity_transform line_descriptor mcc ml objdetect optflow phase_unwrapping photo plot python3 quality rapid reg rgbd saliency shape stereo stitching structured_light superres surface_matching text tracking ts video videoio videostab wechat_qrcode xfeatures2d ximgproc xobjdetect xphoto
--     Disabled:                    world
--     Disabled by dependency:      -
--     Unavailable:                 cvv hdf java julia matlab ovis python2 sfm viz
--     Applications:                tests perf_tests apps
--     Documentation:               NO
--     Non-free algorithms:         YES
--   GUI:                           GTK3
--     GTK+:                        YES (ver 3.24.20)
--       GThread :                  YES (ver 2.64.6)
--       GtkGlExt:                  NO
--     OpenGL support:              NO
--     VTK support:                 NO
--   Media I/O: 
--     ZLib:                        /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libz.so (ver 1.2.11)
--     JPEG:                        /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libjpeg.so (ver 80)
--     WEBP:                        build (ver encoder: 0x020f)
--     PNG:                         /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libpng.so (ver 1.6.37)
--     TIFF:                        /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libtiff.so (ver 42 / 4.1.0)
--     JPEG 2000:                   build (ver 2.4.0)
--     OpenEXR:                     build (ver 2.3.0)
--     HDR:                         YES
--     SUNRASTER:                   YES
--     PXM:                         YES
--     PFM:                         YES
--   Video I/O:
--     DC1394:                      YES (2.2.5)
--     FFMPEG:                      YES
--       avcodec:                   YES (58.54.100)
--       avformat:                  YES (58.29.100)
--       avutil:                    YES (56.31.100)
--       swscale:                   YES (5.5.100)
--       avresample:                YES (4.0.0)
--     GStreamer:                   YES (1.16.3)
--     v4l/v4l2:                    YES (linux/videodev2.h)
--   Parallel framework:            pthreads
--   Trace:                         YES (with Intel ITT)
--   Other third-party libraries:
--     Lapack:                      YES (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/liblapack.so /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libcblas.so /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libatlas.so)
--     Eigen:                       YES (ver 3.3.7)
--     Custom HAL:                  YES (carotene (ver 0.0.1))
--     Protobuf:                    build (3.5.1)
--   NVIDIA CUDA:                   YES (ver 11.4, CUFFT CUBLAS)
--     NVIDIA GPU arch:             72
--     NVIDIA PTX archs:
--   cuDNN:                         YES (ver 8.6.0)
--   OpenCL:                        YES (no extra features)
--     Include path:                /tmp/build_opencv/opencv/3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2
--     Link libraries:              Dynamic load
--   Python 3:
--     Interpreter:                 /usr/bin/python3 (ver 3.8.10)
--     Libraries:                   /usr/lib/python3.8/config-3.8-aarch64-linux-gnu/libpython3.8.so (ver 3.8.10)
--     numpy:                       /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include (ver 1.17.4)
--     install path:                lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cv2/python-3.8
--   Python (for build):            /usr/bin/python3
--   Java:                          
--     ant:                         NO
--     JNI:                         NO
--     Java wrappers:               NO
--     Java tests:                  NO
--   Install to:                    /home/xavier/custom_builds/opencv_build--4.5.4
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------

When a test fails it should mention which test at the bottom and then you should be able to find the failiure reason.

See this CI report for where you can select and see the results for ARM64 which includes all the build flags, config output and tests passing.

Hello again,

Thank you for the answer.
I examined LastTest.log.
It is too long. Here are some lines from it:


[  FAILED  ] GoodFeaturesPerfTestCPU/GoodFeaturesPerfTest.TestPerformance/11, where GetParam() = (compare_vector_f, "cv/shared/pic5.png", 5, 500, 0.1, 1, 5, false, { gapi.kernel_package }) (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GoodFeaturesPerfTestCPU/GoodFeaturesPerfTest.TestPerformance/12, where GetParam() = (compare_vector_f, "cv/shared/pic5.png", 5, 500, 0.01, 1, 3, true, { gapi.kernel_package })
/tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:2028: Failure
Expected: PerfTestBody() doesn't throw an exception.
  Actual: it throws cv::Exception:
  OpenCV(4.6.0) /tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/ts/src/ts.cpp:1064: error: (-2:Unspecified error) OpenCV tests: Can't find required data file: cv/shared/pic5.png in function 'findData'


[ WARN:0@0.090] global /tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/imgcodecs/src/loadsave.cpp (239) findDecoder imread_('cv/shared/baboon.png'): can't open/read file: check file path/integrity
[ WARN:0@0.090] global /tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/imgcodecs/src/loadsave.cpp (239) findDecoder imread_('cv/shared/lena.png'): can't open/read file: check file path/integrity
unknown file: Failure
C++ exception with description "vector::_M_default_append" thrown in the test body.
[  FAILED  ] MultiBandBlender.CanBlendTwoImages (0 ms)
[----------] 1 test from MultiBandBlender (2 ms total)


I think I do not test images that must be under have cv/shared.
What should I do?

Should I also clone GitHub - opencv/opencv_extra: OpenCV extra data

To which path should I clone it relative to the build path?
Here is the folder structure of my current build folder.


Yes you need that repo for the test data. Once cloned set the OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH environmental variable to the testdata directory.

Hello Again,

Thank you for the answer.

After including opencv extra repo to the build and test process we performed 3 build and test operation with Jetpack 5.1.2 for different opencv versions.
Here are the errors we get:


Opencv 4.5.4, CUDA_FAST_MATH=ON

75% tests passed, 32 tests failed out of 126

The following tests FAILED:
	  5 - opencv_test_cudaarithm (Failed)                   Accuracy Extra opencv_cudaarithm
	  6 - opencv_perf_cudaarithm (Failed)                   Extra Performance opencv_cudaarithm
	  7 - opencv_sanity_cudaarithm (Failed)                 Extra Sanity opencv_cudaarithm
	 11 - opencv_sanity_imgproc (Failed)                    Main Sanity opencv_imgproc
	 22 - opencv_test_cudaimgproc (Failed)                  Accuracy Extra opencv_cudaimgproc
	 23 - opencv_perf_cudaimgproc (Failed)                  Extra Performance opencv_cudaimgproc
	 24 - opencv_sanity_cudaimgproc (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_cudaimgproc
	 26 - opencv_perf_cudawarping (Failed)                  Extra Performance opencv_cudawarping
	 27 - opencv_sanity_cudawarping (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_cudawarping
	 28 - opencv_test_dnn (Failed)                          Accuracy Main opencv_dnn
	 29 - opencv_perf_dnn (Failed)                          Main Performance opencv_dnn
	 30 - opencv_sanity_dnn (Failed)                        Main Sanity opencv_dnn
	 45 - opencv_test_photo (Failed)                        Accuracy Main opencv_photo
	 50 - opencv_test_videoio (Failed)                      Accuracy Main opencv_videoio
	 58 - opencv_test_calib3d (Failed)                      Accuracy Main opencv_calib3d
	 65 - opencv_perf_cudafeatures2d (Failed)               Extra Performance opencv_cudafeatures2d
	 66 - opencv_sanity_cudafeatures2d (Failed)             Extra Sanity opencv_cudafeatures2d
	 68 - opencv_perf_cudastereo (Failed)                   Extra Performance opencv_cudastereo
	 69 - opencv_sanity_cudastereo (Failed)                 Extra Sanity opencv_cudastereo
	 72 - opencv_test_objdetect (Failed)                    Accuracy Main opencv_objdetect
	 73 - opencv_perf_objdetect (Failed)                    Main Performance opencv_objdetect
	 74 - opencv_sanity_objdetect (Failed)                  Main Sanity opencv_objdetect
	 86 - opencv_sanity_xfeatures2d (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_xfeatures2d
	 87 - opencv_test_ximgproc (Failed)                     Accuracy Extra opencv_ximgproc
	 90 - opencv_test_aruco (Failed)                        Accuracy Extra opencv_aruco
	 99 - opencv_perf_cudalegacy (Failed)                   Extra Performance opencv_cudalegacy
	100 - opencv_sanity_cudalegacy (Failed)                 Extra Sanity opencv_cudalegacy
	104 - opencv_test_face (Failed)                         Accuracy Extra opencv_face
	105 - opencv_test_gapi (Failed)                         Accuracy Main opencv_gapi
	117 - opencv_test_cudaoptflow (Failed)                  Accuracy Extra opencv_cudaoptflow
	118 - opencv_perf_cudaoptflow (Failed)                  Extra Performance opencv_cudaoptflow
	119 - opencv_sanity_cudaoptflow (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_cudaoptflow


Opencv 4.10.0, CUDA_FAST_MATH=ON

79% tests passed, 28 tests failed out of 132

The following tests FAILED:
	  5 - opencv_test_cudaarithm (Failed)                   Accuracy Extra opencv_cudaarithm
	  6 - opencv_perf_cudaarithm (Failed)                   Extra Performance opencv_cudaarithm
	  7 - opencv_sanity_cudaarithm (Failed)                 Extra Sanity opencv_cudaarithm
	 11 - opencv_sanity_imgproc (Failed)                    Main Sanity opencv_imgproc
	 25 - opencv_test_cudaimgproc (Failed)                  Accuracy Extra opencv_cudaimgproc
	 26 - opencv_perf_cudaimgproc (Failed)                  Extra Performance opencv_cudaimgproc
	 27 - opencv_sanity_cudaimgproc (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_cudaimgproc
	 29 - opencv_perf_cudawarping (Failed)                  Extra Performance opencv_cudawarping
	 30 - opencv_sanity_cudawarping (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_cudawarping
	 31 - opencv_test_dnn (Failed)                          Accuracy Main opencv_dnn
	 32 - opencv_perf_dnn (Failed)                          Main Performance opencv_dnn
	 33 - opencv_sanity_dnn (Failed)                        Main Sanity opencv_dnn
	 49 - opencv_test_photo (Failed)                        Accuracy Main opencv_photo
	 54 - opencv_test_videoio (Failed)                      Accuracy Main opencv_videoio
	 67 - opencv_perf_cudafeatures2d (Failed)               Extra Performance opencv_cudafeatures2d
	 68 - opencv_sanity_cudafeatures2d (Failed)             Extra Sanity opencv_cudafeatures2d
	 70 - opencv_perf_cudastereo (Failed)                   Extra Performance opencv_cudastereo
	 71 - opencv_sanity_cudastereo (Failed)                 Extra Sanity opencv_cudastereo
	 93 - opencv_sanity_xfeatures2d (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_xfeatures2d
	104 - opencv_test_cudalegacy (Failed)                   Accuracy Extra opencv_cudalegacy
	105 - opencv_perf_cudalegacy (Failed)                   Extra Performance opencv_cudalegacy
	106 - opencv_sanity_cudalegacy (Failed)                 Extra Sanity opencv_cudalegacy
	110 - opencv_test_face (Failed)                         Accuracy Extra opencv_face
	111 - opencv_test_gapi (Failed)                         Accuracy Main opencv_gapi
	112 - opencv_perf_gapi (Failed)                         Main Performance opencv_gapi
	113 - opencv_sanity_gapi (Failed)                       Main Sanity opencv_gapi
	124 - opencv_perf_cudaoptflow (Failed)                  Extra Performance opencv_cudaoptflow
	125 - opencv_sanity_cudaoptflow (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_cudaoptflow


Opencv 4.10.0, CUDA_FAST_MATH=OFF

85% tests passed, 20 tests failed out of 132

The following tests FAILED:
	  6 - opencv_perf_cudaarithm (Failed)                   Extra Performance opencv_cudaarithm
	  7 - opencv_sanity_cudaarithm (Failed)                 Extra Sanity opencv_cudaarithm
	 11 - opencv_sanity_imgproc (Failed)                    Main Sanity opencv_imgproc
	 26 - opencv_perf_cudaimgproc (Failed)                  Extra Performance opencv_cudaimgproc
	 27 - opencv_sanity_cudaimgproc (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_cudaimgproc
	 29 - opencv_perf_cudawarping (Failed)                  Extra Performance opencv_cudawarping
	 30 - opencv_sanity_cudawarping (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_cudawarping
	 31 - opencv_test_dnn (Failed)                          Accuracy Main opencv_dnn
	 32 - opencv_perf_dnn (Failed)                          Main Performance opencv_dnn
	 33 - opencv_sanity_dnn (Failed)                        Main Sanity opencv_dnn
	 49 - opencv_test_photo (Failed)                        Accuracy Main opencv_photo
	 54 - opencv_test_videoio (Failed)                      Accuracy Main opencv_videoio
	 71 - opencv_sanity_cudastereo (Failed)                 Extra Sanity opencv_cudastereo
	 93 - opencv_sanity_xfeatures2d (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_xfeatures2d
	110 - opencv_test_face (Failed)                         Accuracy Extra opencv_face
	111 - opencv_test_gapi (Failed)                         Accuracy Main opencv_gapi
	112 - opencv_perf_gapi (Failed)                         Main Performance opencv_gapi
	113 - opencv_sanity_gapi (Failed)                       Main Sanity opencv_gapi
	124 - opencv_perf_cudaoptflow (Failed)                  Extra Performance opencv_cudaoptflow
	125 - opencv_sanity_cudaoptflow (Failed)                Extra Sanity opencv_cudaoptflow


What should we do? Are the builts are reliable?

And here are some test errors from test logs

Opencv 4.10.0, CUDA_FAST_MATH=ON

79% tests passed, 28 tests failed out of 132


[ RUN      ] Test_TensorFlow_layers.Convolution3D/1, where GetParam() = CUDA/CUDA_FP16
unknown file: Failure
C++ exception with description "OpenCV(4.10.0) /tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/dnn/src/layers/../cuda4dnn/primitives/../csl/cudnn/convolution.hpp:303: error: (-217:Gpu API call) cuDNN did not return a suitable algorithm for convolution. in function 'ConvolutionAlgorithm'
" thrown in the test body.
[  FAILED  ] Test_TensorFlow_layers.Convolution3D/1, where GetParam() = CUDA/CUDA_FP16 (5 ms)


[ RUN      ] Conv.conv/3, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=16.987, K=[5 x 5], IN={1, 1152, 16, 16}, OCN=1152, PM=SAME, CUDA/CUDA)
/tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:1965: Failure
Expected: PerfTestBody() doesn't throw an exception.
  Actual: it throws cv::Exception:
  OpenCV(4.10.0) /tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/dnn/src/layers/../cuda4dnn/primitives/../csl/cudnn/convolution.hpp:411: error: (-217:Gpu API call) CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM in function 'convolve'

params    = (GFLOPS=16.987, K=[5 x 5], IN={1, 1152, 16, 16}, OCN=1152, PM=SAME, CUDA/CUDA)
termination reason:  unhandled exception
bytesIn   =          0
bytesOut  =          0
samples   =          0 of 100
outliers  =          0
frequency =          0
[  FAILED  ] Conv.conv/3, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=16.987, K=[5 x 5], IN={1, 1152, 16, 16}, OCN=1152, PM=SAME, CUDA/CUDA) (3198 ms)


[ RUN      ] Test_TensorFlow_diagnostics.not_implemented_layer/0, where GetParam() = CUDA/CUDA
[ERROR:0@61.563] global debug_utils.cpp:74 printMissing DNN: Not supported types:
Type='UnknownLayer', affected nodes:

[ERROR:0@61.563] global net_impl.cpp:1162 getLayerShapesRecursively OPENCV/DNN: [NotImplemented]:(model_28/tf.expand_dims_12/ExpandDims): getMemoryShapes() throws exception. inputs=0 outputs=0/0 blobs=0
[ERROR:0@61.563] global net_impl.cpp:1178 getLayerShapesRecursively Exception message: OpenCV(4.10.0) /tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/dnn/src/layers/not_implemented_layer.cpp:149: error: (-213:The function/feature is not implemented) Node for layer 'model_28/tf.expand_dims_12/ExpandDims' of type 'UnknownLayer' wasn't initialized. in function 'getMemoryShapes'

[ERROR:0@61.564] global tf_importer.cpp:3216 parseNode DNN/TF: Can't parse layer for node='model_28/tf.math.multiply_29/Mul' of type='Mul'. Exception: OpenCV(4.10.0) /tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/dnn/src/layers/not_implemented_layer.cpp:149: error: (-213:The function/feature is not implemented) Node for layer 'model_28/tf.expand_dims_12/ExpandDims' of type 'UnknownLayer' wasn't initialized. in function 'getMemoryShapes'

[       OK ] Test_TensorFlow_diagnostics.not_implemented_layer/0 (1 ms)


[ RUN      ] Imgcodecs_Png_PngSuite_Corrupted.decode/8, where GetParam() = "xhdn0g08"
libpng error: IHDR: CRC error
[       OK ] Imgcodecs_Png_PngSuite_Corrupted.decode/8 (0 ms)


I can provide more logs that can help to identify the errors.

As mentioned above, don’t use CUDA_FAST_MATH=ON. The CUDA test results you are comparing against were generated with CUDA_FAST_MATH=OFF.

For the DNN tests, it could be your version of cuDNN. With cuDNN 9.3.0 I only get 2 failed tests

[ FAILED ] 2 tests, listed below:
[ FAILED ] Test_TensorFlow_layers.Convolution3D/1, where GetParam() = CUDA/CUDA_FP16
[ FAILED ] Test_TensorFlow_layers.concat_3d/1, where GetParam() = CUDA/CUDA_FP16

I don’t observe the other failure Imgcodecs_Png_PngSuite_Corrupted, I would guess that your libpng has an issue (python - OpenCV imread posting libpng error: IEND: CRC error and not loading images - Stack Overflow)?

Where are the sanity tests coming from?


Thank you for the answer.

Here are logs for sanity ones:

For Opencv 4.10.0, CUDA_FAST_MATH=OFF

85% tests passed, 20 tests failed out of 132


**Test 7, opencv_sanity_cudaarithm ends with this.**

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1881 tests from 67 test cases ran. (29748 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1879 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 2 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Type_AngleInDegrees_PolarToCart.PolarToCart/0, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, false)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Type_AngleInDegrees_PolarToCart.PolarToCart/4, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, 32FC1, false)

<end of output>
Test time =  30.41 sec


Test Failed.
"opencv_sanity_cudaarithm" end time: Dec 09 18:37 +03
"opencv_sanity_cudaarithm" time elapsed: 00:00:30


**Test 27, opencv_sanity_cudaimgproc ends with this.**

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 877 tests from 27 test cases ran. (26020 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 848 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 29 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/17, where GetParam() = (1280x720, CV_8U, Lab2BGR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/38, where GetParam() = (1280x720, CV_32F, Lab2BGR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/39, where GetParam() = (1280x720, CV_32F, Lab2LBGR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/40, where GetParam() = (1280x720, CV_32F, Luv2RGB)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/41, where GetParam() = (1280x720, CV_32F, Luv2LRGB)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/59, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, CV_8U, Lab2BGR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/80, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, CV_32F, Lab2BGR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/81, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, CV_32F, Lab2LBGR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/82, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, CV_32F, Luv2RGB)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/83, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, CV_32F, Luv2LRGB)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/101, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, CV_8U, Lab2BGR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/122, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, CV_32F, Lab2BGR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/123, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, CV_32F, Lab2LBGR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/124, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, CV_32F, Luv2RGB)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColor.CvtColor/125, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, CV_32F, Luv2LRGB)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/12, where GetParam() = (1280x720, CV_16U, BayerBG2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/13, where GetParam() = (1280x720, CV_16U, BayerGB2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/14, where GetParam() = (1280x720, CV_16U, BayerRG2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/15, where GetParam() = (1280x720, CV_16U, BayerGR2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/28, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, CV_16U, BayerBG2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/29, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, CV_16U, BayerGB2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/30, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, CV_16U, BayerRG2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/31, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, CV_16U, BayerGR2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/44, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, CV_16U, BayerBG2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/45, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, CV_16U, BayerGB2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/46, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, CV_16U, BayerRG2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Code_CvtColorBayer.CvtColorBayer/47, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, CV_16U, BayerGR2GRAY)
[  FAILED  ] Image_HoughLinesP.HoughLinesP/0, where GetParam() = "cv/shared/pic5.png"
[  FAILED  ] Image_HoughLinesP.HoughLinesP/1, where GetParam() = "stitching/a1.png"


<end of output>
Test time =  26.46 sec
Test Failed.
"opencv_sanity_cudaimgproc" end time: Dec 09 19:19 +03
"opencv_sanity_cudaimgproc" time elapsed: 00:00:26


**Test 30, opencv_sanity_cudawarping ends with this.**

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 2889 tests from 8 test cases ran. (76510 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 2886 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 3 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Cn_Inter_Rotate.Rotate/7, where GetParam() = (1280x720, CV_8U, BGRA, INTER_LINEAR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Cn_Inter_Rotate.Rotate/34, where GetParam() = (1280x1024, CV_8U, BGRA, INTER_LINEAR)
[  FAILED  ] Sz_Depth_Cn_Inter_Rotate.Rotate/55, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, CV_8U, Gray, INTER_LINEAR)

<end of output>
Test time =  76.99 sec


Test Failed.
"opencv_sanity_cudawarping" end time: Dec 09 19:22 +03
"opencv_sanity_cudawarping" time elapsed: 00:01:16


**Test 33, opencv_sanity_dnn ends with this.**

[==========] 2992 tests from 23 test cases ran. (110133 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 2975 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 17 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] Conv.conv/3, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=16.987, K=[5 x 5], IN={1, 1152, 16, 16}, OCN=1152, PM=SAME, CUDA/CUDA)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/1, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.027, K=[3 x 3 x 3], IN={1, 6, 10, 38, 50}, OCN=6, PM=VALID, BIAS, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/4, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.000, K=[3 x 3 x 3], IN={1, 2, 19, 19, 19}, OCN=2, G=2, S=[2 x 2 x 2], P=(1, 1) x (1, 1) x (1, 1), BIAS, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/7, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.001, K=[3 x 3 x 3], IN={1, 2, 25, 19, 19}, OCN=2, G=2, S=[1 x 2 x 2], P=(2, 2) x (2, 2) x (2, 2), PM=SAME, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/10, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=1.343, K=[3 x 3 x 3], IN={1, 11, 9, 150, 200}, OCN=11, PM=VALID, BIAS, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/13, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.053, K=[3 x 3 x 3], IN={1, 10, 98, 10, 10}, OCN=10, PM=SAME, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/16, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.030, K=[5 x 5 x 5], IN={1, 6, 19, 19, 19}, OCN=6, G=2, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/19, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.006, K=[5 x 5 x 5], IN={1, 4, 50, 19, 19}, OCN=4, S=[2 x 2 x 2], P=(1, 1) x (1, 1) x (1, 1), PM=VALID, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/22, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=1.267, K=[5 x 5 x 5], IN={1, 3, 75, 75, 100}, OCN=3, PM=SAME, BIAS, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/25, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.116, K=[5 x 5 x 5], IN={1, 2, 21, 75, 100}, OCN=2, BIAS, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/28, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.093, K=[5 x 5 x 5], IN={1, 4, 40, 75, 75}, OCN=4, S=[2 x 2 x 2], CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/31, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.071, K=[7 x 7 x 7], IN={1, 6, 15, 19, 19}, OCN=6, S=[2 x 1 x 1], P=(3, 3) x (3, 3) x (3, 3), PM=SAME, BIAS, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/34, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.045, K=[7 x 7 x 7], IN={1, 2, 38, 38, 38}, OCN=2, S=[1 x 2 x 1], CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/37, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.000, K=[1 x 1 x 1], IN={1, 4, 9, 10, 10}, OCN=4, S=[1 x 1 x 2], P=(1, 1) x (1, 1) x (1, 1), PM=VALID, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/40, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.002, K=[3 x 1 x 4], IN={1, 14, 5, 10, 10}, OCN=14, PM=SAME, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/43, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.000, K=[1 x 1 x 1], IN={1, 8, 1, 10, 10}, OCN=8, G=8, P=(1, 1) x (1, 1) x (1, 1), BIAS, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)
[  FAILED  ] Conv3D.conv3d/46, where GetParam() = (GFLOPS=0.000, K=[3 x 4 x 2], IN={1, 4, 8, 10, 10}, OCN=4, G=4, S=[1 x 2 x 1], BIAS, CUDA/CUDA_FP16)


<end of output>
Test time = 110.77 sec
Test Failed.
"opencv_sanity_dnn" end time: Dec 09 19:32 +03
"opencv_sanity_dnn" time elapsed: 00:01:50


**Test 71, opencv_sanity_cudastereo ends with this.**

[ RUN      ] ImagePair_StereoSGM.StereoSGM/0, where GetParam() = ("gpu/perf/aloe.png", "gpu/perf/aloeR.png")
/tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:626: Failure
  No regression data for gpu_dst argument, test node: ImagePair_StereoSGM--StereoSGM----gpu-perf-aloe-png----gpu-perf-aloeR-png--
params    = ("gpu/perf/aloe.png", "gpu/perf/aloeR.png")
termination reason:  reached maximum number of iterations
bytesIn   =          0
bytesOut  =          0
samples   =          1
outliers  =          0
frequency = 1000000000
min       =  156281184 = 156.28ms
median    =  156281184 = 156.28ms
gmean     =  156281184 = 156.28ms
gstddev   = 0.00000000 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean      =  156281184 = 156.28ms
stddev    =          0 = 0.00ms
[  FAILED  ] ImagePair_StereoSGM.StereoSGM/0, where GetParam() = ("gpu/perf/aloe.png", "gpu/perf/aloeR.png") (350 ms)
[----------] 1 test from ImagePair_StereoSGM (350 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 18 tests from 8 test cases ran. (1147 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 16 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 2 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] ImagePair_StereoBMwithUniqueness.StereoBMwithUniqueness/0, where GetParam() = ("gpu/perf/aloe.png", "gpu/perf/aloeR.png")
[  FAILED  ] ImagePair_StereoSGM.StereoSGM/0, where GetParam() = ("gpu/perf/aloe.png", "gpu/perf/aloeR.png")

<end of output>
Test time =   1.31 sec


Test Failed.
"opencv_sanity_cudastereo" end time: Dec 09 19:54 +03
"opencv_sanity_cudastereo" time elapsed: 00:00:01


**Test 93, opencv_sanity_xfeatures2d ends with this.**

[ RUN      ] Image_CUDA_SURF.CUDA_SURF/0, where GetParam() = "gpu/perf/aloe.png"
/tmp/build_opencv/opencv/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:626: Failure
  No regression data for gpu_keypoints-pt argument, test node: Image_CUDA_SURF--CUDA_SURF---gpu-perf-aloe-png-
params    = "gpu/perf/aloe.png"
termination reason:  reached maximum number of iterations
bytesIn   =          0
bytesOut  =          0
samples   =          1
outliers  =          0
frequency = 1000000000
min       =  397108064 = 397.11ms
median    =  397108064 = 397.11ms
gmean     =  397108064 = 397.11ms
gstddev   = 0.00000000 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean      =  397108064 = 397.11ms
stddev    =          0 = 0.00ms
[  FAILED  ] Image_CUDA_SURF.CUDA_SURF/0, where GetParam() = "gpu/perf/aloe.png" (506 ms)
[----------] 1 test from Image_CUDA_SURF (506 ms total)

[----------] 2 tests from teblid_extract
[ RUN      ] teblid_extract.extract/0, where GetParam() = "cv/detectors_descriptors_evaluation/images_datasets/leuven/img1.png"
[ PERFSTAT ]    (samples=1   mean=16.74   median=16.74   min=16.74   stddev=0.00 (0.0%))
[       OK ] teblid_extract.extract/0 (157 ms)
[ RUN      ] teblid_extract.extract/1, where GetParam() = "stitching/a3.png"
[ PERFSTAT ]    (samples=1   mean=17.23   median=17.23   min=17.23   stddev=0.00 (0.0%))
[       OK ] teblid_extract.extract/1 (123 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from teblid_extract (281 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 17 tests from 9 test cases ran. (5829 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 16 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] Image_CUDA_SURF.CUDA_SURF/0, where GetParam() = "gpu/perf/aloe.png"

<end of output>
Test time =   6.11 sec


Test Failed.
"opencv_sanity_xfeatures2d" end time: Dec 09 20:23 +03
"opencv_sanity_xfeatures2d" time elapsed: 00:00:06


**Test 113, opencv_sanity_gapi ends with this.**

[==========] 10444 tests from 283 test cases ran. (201910 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 10353 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 91 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] PhasePerfTestFluid/PhasePerfTest.TestPerformance/4, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 32FC1, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/0, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 8UC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/1, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 8UC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/2, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 8UC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/3, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 8UC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/4, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 8UC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/5, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 8UC3, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/6, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 8UC3, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/7, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 8UC3, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/8, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 8UC3, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/9, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 8UC3, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/10, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 16UC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/11, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 16UC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/12, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 16UC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/13, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 16UC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/14, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 16UC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/15, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 16SC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/16, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 16SC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/17, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 16SC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/18, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 16SC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/19, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 16SC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/20, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 32FC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/24, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 128x128, 32FC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/25, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 8UC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/26, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 8UC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/27, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 8UC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/28, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 8UC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/29, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 8UC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/30, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 8UC3, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/31, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 8UC3, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/32, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 8UC3, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/33, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 8UC3, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/34, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 8UC3, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/35, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 16UC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/36, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 16UC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/37, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 16UC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/38, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 16UC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/39, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 16UC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/40, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 16SC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/41, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 16SC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/42, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 16SC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/43, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 16SC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/44, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 16SC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/45, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 32FC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/47, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 32FC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/49, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 640x480, 32FC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/50, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 8UC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/51, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 8UC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/52, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 8UC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/53, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 8UC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/54, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 8UC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/55, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 8UC3, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/56, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 8UC3, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/57, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 8UC3, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/58, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 8UC3, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/59, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 8UC3, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/60, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 16UC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/61, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 16UC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/62, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 16UC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/63, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 16UC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/64, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 16UC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/65, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 16SC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/66, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 16SC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/67, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 16SC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/68, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 16SC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/69, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 16SC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/70, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 32FC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/73, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 32FC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/74, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1280x720, 32FC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/75, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 8UC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/76, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 8UC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/77, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 8UC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/78, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 8UC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/79, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 8UC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/80, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 8UC3, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/81, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 8UC3, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/82, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 8UC3, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/83, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 8UC3, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/84, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 8UC3, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/85, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 16UC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/86, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 16UC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/87, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 16UC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/88, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 16UC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/89, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 16UC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/90, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 16SC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/91, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 16SC1, 0, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/92, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 16SC1, 2, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/93, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 16SC1, 3, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/94, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 16SC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/95, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 32FC1, -1, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })
[  FAILED  ] DivPerfTestFluid/DivPerfTest.TestPerformance/99, where GetParam() = (compare_f, 1920x1080, 32FC1, 5, 2.3, { gapi.kernel_package })


<end of output>
Test time = 204.65 sec


Test Failed.
"opencv_sanity_gapi" end time: Dec 09 21:08 +03
"opencv_sanity_gapi" time elapsed: 00:03:24


**Test 125, opencv_sanity_cudaoptflow ends with this.**

[==========] 41 tests from 7 test cases ran. (1913 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 37 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 4 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] ImagePair_Gray_NPts_WinSz_Levels_Iters_PyrLKOpticalFlowSparse.PyrLKOpticalFlowSparse/0, where GetParam() = (("gpu/opticalflow/frame0.png", "gpu/opticalflow/frame1.png"), false, 8000, 21, 1, 1)
[  FAILED  ] ImagePair_Gray_NPts_WinSz_Levels_Iters_PyrLKOpticalFlowSparse.PyrLKOpticalFlowSparse/1, where GetParam() = (("gpu/opticalflow/frame0.png", "gpu/opticalflow/frame1.png"), false, 8000, 21, 1, 30)
[  FAILED  ] ImagePair_Gray_NPts_WinSz_Levels_Iters_PyrLKOpticalFlowSparse.PyrLKOpticalFlowSparse/2, where GetParam() = (("gpu/opticalflow/frame0.png", "gpu/opticalflow/frame1.png"), false, 8000, 21, 3, 1)
[  FAILED  ] ImagePair_Gray_NPts_WinSz_Levels_Iters_PyrLKOpticalFlowSparse.PyrLKOpticalFlowSparse/3, where GetParam() = (("gpu/opticalflow/frame0.png", "gpu/opticalflow/frame1.png"), false, 8000, 21, 3, 30)

<end of output>
Test time =   2.24 sec


Test Failed.
"opencv_sanity_cudaoptflow" end time: Dec 09 21:35 +03
"opencv_sanity_cudaoptflow" time elapsed: 00:00:02

Test 11, opencv_sanity_imgproc ends with this.

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 5547 tests from 149 test cases ran. (149802 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 5451 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 96 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/0, where GetParam() = (640x480, 3, CV_8UC1)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/1, where GetParam() = (640x480, 3, CV_8UC3)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/2, where GetParam() = (640x480, 3, CV_32FC1)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/3, where GetParam() = (640x480, 3, CV_32FC3)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/4, where GetParam() = (640x480, 5, CV_8UC1)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/5, where GetParam() = (640x480, 5, CV_8UC3)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/6, where GetParam() = (640x480, 5, CV_32FC1)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/7, where GetParam() = (640x480, 5, CV_32FC3)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/8, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, 3, CV_8UC1)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/9, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, 3, CV_8UC3)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/10, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, 3, CV_32FC1)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/11, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, 3, CV_32FC3)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/12, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, 5, CV_8UC1)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/13, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, 5, CV_8UC3)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/14, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, 5, CV_32FC1)
[  FAILED  ] TestBilateralFilter_BilateralFilter.BilateralFilter/15, where GetParam() = (1920x1080, 5, CV_32FC3)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/0, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/1, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/2, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/3, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/4, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/5, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/6, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/7, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/8, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC3, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/9, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC3, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/10, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/11, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/12, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/13, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/14, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/15, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/16, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/17, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/18, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC3, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/19, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC3, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/20, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/21, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/22, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/23, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/24, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/25, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/26, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/27, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/28, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC3, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/29, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC3, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/30, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/31, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/32, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/33, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/34, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/35, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/36, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/37, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/38, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC3, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3.box3x3/39, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC3, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/0, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/1, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/2, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/3, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/4, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/5, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/6, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/7, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/8, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC3, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/9, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC3, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/10, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/11, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/12, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/13, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/14, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/15, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/16, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/17, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/18, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC3, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/19, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC3, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/20, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/21, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/22, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/23, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/24, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/25, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/26, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/27, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/28, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC3, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/29, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC3, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/30, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/31, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/32, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/33, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/34, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/35, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/36, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/37, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/38, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC3, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[  FAILED  ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_box3x3_inplace.box3x3_inplace/39, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC3, BORDER_CONSTANT)


<end of output>
Test time = 150.49 sec
Test Failed.
"opencv_sanity_imgproc" end time: Dec 09 19:13 +03
"opencv_sanity_imgproc" time elapsed: 00:02:30

How are you running the tests and what are the errors when they fail (not the ones we previously discussed)?