I am attempting to crop a coin out of an image (as consistently as possible independent of the image uploaded–realizing that some images just will not work). My test case is here iCollect
Here is my current methodology that is NOT consistent (reference Step 1 below):
cropImage = function(el) {
let imageOriginal = cv.imread('imageDestination');
let imageGray = new cv.Mat();
let imageDestination = new cv.Mat();
let imageDestination_all_contours = new cv.Mat();
let imageDestination_masked = new cv.Mat();
let imageDestination_cropped = new cv.Mat();
let imageDestination_resized = new cv.Mat();
let imageMorphed = new cv.Mat();
let contours = new cv.MatVector();
let hierarchy = new cv.Mat();
let Color_red = new cv.Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255);
let Color_white = new cv.Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255);
//convert original BGR image to GRAY
cv.cvtColor(imageOriginal, imageGray, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
//Threshold the image https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d7/dd0/tutorial_js_thresholding.html
cv.threshold(imageGray, imageDestination, 0, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY_INV + cv.THRESH_OTSU)[1];
// apply morphology Open and Close https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d76/tutorial_js_morphological_ops.html
kernel = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_ELLIPSE, new cv.Size(3,3));
// MORPH_OPEN = removes noise (erosion then dilation)
cv.morphologyEx(imageDestination, imageMorphed, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel);
kernel = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_ELLIPSE, new cv.Size(21,21));
// MORPH_CLOSE - closes small holes inside the foreground objects, or small black points on the object (dilation then erosion)
cv.morphologyEx(imageMorphed, imageMorphed, cv.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel);
//Step 1: Find the Contours
//Good reference: https://docs.opencv.org/master/d0/d43/tutorial_js_table_of_contents_contours.html
//Good reference: https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d73/tutorial_py_contours_begin.html
//RETR_LIST - Retrieves all the contours, but doesn't create any parent-child relationship.
//RETR_EXTERNAL - Returns only extreme outer contour
//RETR_CCOMP - Retrieves all the contours and arranges them to a 2-level hierarchy.
//RETR_TREE - Retrieves all the contours and creates a full family hierarchy list.
//CHAIN_APPROX_NONE - Stores all the contour points. That is, any 2 subsequent points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) of the contour will be either horizontal, vertical or diagonal neighbors
//CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE - Compresses horizontal, vertical, and diagonal segments and leaves only their end points. For example, an up-right rectangular contour is encoded with 4 points
cv.findContours(imageMorphed, contours, hierarchy, cv.RETR_LIST, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
//Ignore any contour that looks like it's the entire image
area_of_75_percent_of_entire_image = (imageOriginal.rows * imageOriginal.cols) - (imageOriginal.rows * imageOriginal.cols) * .25;
console.log("entire area: ", area_of_75_percent_of_entire_image);
//find the contour that looks like a coin
let area_max =0;
let i_max = 0;
let cnt_max = 0;
var ii = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
let cnt = contours.get(i);
let area = cv.contourArea(cnt, false);
console.log("i: ", i, " area: ", area, " area_max: ", area_max, " delta: ", area/1000000);
if((area >= area_max) && (area < area_of_75_percent_of_entire_image)){
console.log("winner: (", i, ") ", area, " >= ", area_max)
area_max = area;
i_max = i;
cnt_max = cnt;
ii = i;
//no max contour found above
if(ii === 0){
cnt_max = contours.get(0);
imageDestination_all_contours = imageOriginal.clone();
cv.drawContours(imageDestination_all_contours, contours, -1, Color_red, 3);
cv.imshow('imageDestination_all_contours', imageDestination_all_contours);
$('#messagetouser_all_contours').html("area_max: " + area_max + " i_max: " + i_max + " ii: " + ii);
//Step 2: Mask the contour selected
let rotatedRect = cv.fitEllipse(cnt_max); //a rectangle around the largest contour
cv.ellipse1(imageOriginal, rotatedRect, Color_white, 1, cv.LINE_8);
let mask = new cv.Mat.ones(imageOriginal.size(), cv.CV_8UC3);
cv.ellipse1(mask, rotatedRect, Color_white, -1, cv.LINE_8);
cv.cvtColor(mask, mask, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cv.bitwise_and(imageOriginal, imageOriginal, imageDestination_masked, mask);
cv.imshow('imageDestination_masked', mask);
$('#messagetouser_masked').html("rows: " + mask.rows + " cols: " + mask.cols + " type: " + mask.type() + " depth: " + mask.depth() + " channels: " + mask.channels());
//Step 3: Crop the contour
imageDestination_cropped = imageDestination_masked.clone();
let boundingRect = cv.boundingRect(cnt_max);
let point1 = new cv.Point(boundingRect.x, boundingRect.y);
let point2 = new cv.Point(boundingRect.x + boundingRect.width, boundingRect.y + boundingRect.height);
cv.rectangle(imageDestination_cropped, point1, point2, new cv.Scalar(255, 255, 255, 0), 0, cv.LINE_8, 0);
cv.imshow('imageDestination_cropped', imageDestination_cropped);
$('#messagetouser_cropped').html("rows: " + imageDestination_cropped.rows + " cols: " + imageDestination_cropped.cols + " type: " + imageDestination_cropped.type() + " depth: " + imageDestination_cropped.depth() + " channels: " + imageDestination_cropped.channels());
//Step 4: Resize the contour
let dsize = new cv.Size(1000, 1000);
cv.resize(imageDestination_cropped, imageDestination_resized, dsize, 0, 0, cv.INTER_AREA);
cv.imshow('imageDestination_resized', imageDestination_resized);
$('#messagetouser_resized').html("rows: " + imageDestination_resized.rows + " cols: " + imageDestination_resized.cols + " type: " + imageDestination_resized.type() + " depth: " + imageDestination_resized.depth() + " channels: " + imageDestination_resized.channels());
You can easily see how this fails by pressing the test5 button and then the crop button in the link above. Here is the result.
Please let me know if you have any guidance on the best way to approach consistently finding the right contour to crop.
thank you!