pencilSketch in android/opencv

I installed OpenCV in Android Studio and it works properly, But I can not find “pencilSketch” for use it.
please guide me.

probably a bug. I browsed the java docs for 4.x… search function claims to know it, but when I click a result, I get a 404 page.

I’ve never used opencv with java, so that’s all I can contribute.

Thank you so much dear,
It works completely properly,
I am sure it has not any bug.

so, is it solved, now ?,org.opencv.core.Mat,org.opencv.core.Mat,float)

Hi dear,
Thank you so much. It was useful for me and it solved.

Thank you again :slightly_smiling_face: :heart: :orange_heart: :heart: :orange_heart: :blue_heart: :orange_heart: