Ok folks I apologize in advance for the long post, but I am putting everything I have and hope for your input to help a friend.
The problem:
I have a friend who makes/repairs boat decks. The most cumbersome and time consuming part of the manufacturing process is taking a good template of where the decking should be placed. At the moment he uses an old manual approach to do this. Putting down cardboard/foam and trying to cut out the template in shape. It is really time consuming to achieve a good result, especially working on large areas.
The solution:
What I am trying to achieve is to help him take pictures of the area, stitch them together, scale and extract the shape(template) in dxf/svg so he can cut the template on a plotter, or even use the file to machine the part.
Easy to use - Take multiple pictures from different locations, scale, rotation ( phone pictures )
Accuracy - on average 1-1.5 mm accuracy is pretty good.
I cannot upload a lot of pictures here so I created this document to show you the result of my current implementation. Take a look here
Here is the code of my stitching process:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import torch
import networkx as nx
import stitching.stitcher as st
def plot_image(img, figsize_in_inches=(5,5)):
_, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize_in_inches)
ax.imshow(cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
def plot_images(imgs, figsize_in_inches=(5,5)):
_, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(imgs), figsize=figsize_in_inches)
for col, img in enumerate(imgs):
axs[col].imshow(cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
def get_image_paths(img_set):
return [str(path.relative_to('.')) for path in Path('images').rglob(f'{img_set}*')]
def floyd_warshall_max_confidence(confidence: torch.Tensor):
assert confidence.shape[-1] == confidence.shape[-2], 'Graph matrix should be square'
n = confidence.shape[-1]
# Initialize the distance matrix with the given confidence values
dist = confidence.clone()
# Set diagonal elements to the maximum value in the tensor
max_value = torch.max(confidence)
# Floyd-Warshall algorithm
for k in range(n):
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
# Update the confidence if a higher confidence path is found
dist[i][j] = torch.max(dist[i][j], torch.min(dist[i][k], dist[k][j]))
return dist
def get_path_confidence(max_confidence_matrix, path):
confidences = [max_confidence_matrix[path[i]][path[i+1]] for i in range(len(path)-1)]
return min(confidences), confidences
def find_best_overall_path(max_confidence_matrix):
n = max_confidence_matrix.shape[0]
best_path = []
best_min_confidence = -float('inf')
for start in range(n):
path = [start]
visited = set([start])
while len(visited) < n:
current = path[-1]
next_node = -1
max_confidence = -float('inf')
for i in range(n):
if i not in visited and max_confidence_matrix[current][i] > max_confidence:
max_confidence = max_confidence_matrix[current][i]
next_node = i
if next_node == -1 or max_confidence == 0:
break # No valid next node found or confidence is zero
if len(path) > 1:
path_min_confidence = min(max_confidence_matrix[path[i]][path[i+1]] for i in range(len(path)-1))
if path_min_confidence > best_min_confidence:
best_min_confidence = path_min_confidence
best_path = path
return best_path
def visualize_graph(confidence_tensor: torch.Tensor, threshold: float):
G = nx.Graph()
num_nodes = confidence_tensor.shape[0]
for i in range(num_nodes):
for j in range(num_nodes):
if i != j and confidence_tensor[i, j] > threshold:
G.add_edge(i, j, weight=confidence_tensor[i, j].item())
# Remove nodes without edges
nodes_to_remove = [node for node in G.nodes if G.degree(node) == 0]
# Draw the graph
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
edges = G.edges(data=True)
weights = [edge[2]['weight'] for edge in edges]
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_color='lightblue', node_size=500, font_size=16, font_weight='bold')
edge_labels = {(i, j): f'{data["weight"]:.2f}' for i, j, data in edges}
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, width=weights)
plt.title("Graph Visualization")
# ============ Load images ============
# - mark my images with a prefix to distinguish them from the rest
floor_imgs = get_image_paths('ico2')
# =====================================
# ========== Resize images ===========
# If the images should not be stitched on full resolution, this can be achieved by setting the `final_megapix` parameter to a number above 0.
# Default values: Images.of(images, medium_megapix=0.6, low_megapix=0.1, final_megapix=-1)
images = st.Images.of(floor_imgs, final_megapix=1)
medium_imgs = list(images.resize(st.Images.Resolution.MEDIUM))
low_imgs = list(images.resize(st.Images.Resolution.LOW))
final_imgs = list(images.resize(st.Images.Resolution.FINAL))
# Plot images
#plot_images(low_imgs, (20,20))
# Get image sizes
original_size = images.sizes[0]
medium_size = images.get_image_size(medium_imgs[0])
low_size = images.get_image_size(low_imgs[0])
final_size = images.get_image_size(final_imgs[0])
print(f"Original Size: {original_size} -> {'{:,}'.format(np.prod(original_size))} px ~ 1 MP")
print(f"Medium Size: {medium_size} -> {'{:,}'.format(np.prod(medium_size))} px ~ 0.6 MP")
print(f"Low Size: {low_size} -> {'{:,}'.format(np.prod(low_size))} px ~ 0.1 MP")
print(f"Final Size: {final_size} -> {'{:,}'.format(np.prod(final_size))} px ~ 1 MP")
# =====================================
# =========== Find features ==========
# We use medium resolution images to find features
# FeatureDetector(detector='orb', nfeatures=500) -> ORB detector with 500 features TODO = Try Xfeat to find features! https://github.com/verlab/accelerated_features
finder = st.FeatureDetector(detector='orb', nfeatures=5000)
features = [finder.detect_features(img) for img in medium_imgs]
# Plot an image by index
#plot_img_keypoints = finder.draw_keypoints(medium_imgs[1], features[1])
#plot_image(plot_img_keypoints, (15,10))
# =====================================
# =========== Match features ===========
# Default values: FeatureMatcher(matcher_type='homography', range_width=-1) -> Homography matcher with no range width
matcher = st.FeatureMatcher()
matches = matcher.match_features(features)
# =====================================
# ======== Find best images to combine =====
# Calculate the confidence matrix
threshold = 2.3 # Filter low confidence matches
confidence_tensor = torch.tensor(matcher.get_confidence_matrix(matches))
confidence_tensor = torch.where(confidence_tensor < threshold, torch.tensor(0.0), confidence_tensor)
# Use Floyd-Warshall to find the maximum confidence path
max_confidence = floyd_warshall_max_confidence(confidence_tensor)
# Visualize the graph
visualize_graph(max_confidence, threshold)
# Find the best overall path (from image to image)
best_path = find_best_overall_path(max_confidence)
print(f"Best Path: {best_path}")
if best_path:
min_confidence, path_confidences = get_path_confidence(max_confidence, best_path)
print(f"Best overall image sequence: {best_path}")
print(f"Minimum match confidence along the sequence: {min_confidence:.4f}")
print("Match confidences between consecutive images:")
for i in range(len(best_path) - 1):
print(f" Image {best_path[i]} -> Image {best_path[i+1]}: {path_confidences[i]:.4f}")
print("No valid path found that includes all images.")
# Subset all the variables
print(f"Indices: {best_path}")
subsetter = st.Subsetter()
medium_imgs = subsetter.subset_list(medium_imgs, best_path)
low_imgs = subsetter.subset_list(low_imgs, best_path)
final_imgs = subsetter.subset_list(final_imgs, best_path)
features = subsetter.subset_list(features, best_path)
matches = subsetter.subset_matches(matches, best_path)
# =====================================
# =========== Camera Estimation, Adjusting and Correction ============
# Default values:
# CameraEstimator(estimator='homography')
# CameraAdjuster(adjuster='ray', refinement_mask='xxxxx')
# WaveCorrector(wave_correct_kind='horiz')
camera_estimator = st.CameraEstimator()
camera_adjuster = st.CameraAdjuster()
wave_corrector = st.WaveCorrector(wave_correct_kind='no')
cameras = camera_estimator.estimate(features, matches)
cameras = camera_adjuster.adjust(features, matches, cameras)
cameras = wave_corrector.correct(cameras)
# ====================================================================
# =========== Warp Images ============
# Default values: Warper(warper_type='spherical', scale=1)
warper = st.Warper(warper_type='plane')
# Warp LOW resolution images
low_sizes = images.get_scaled_img_sizes(st.Images.Resolution.LOW)
camera_aspect = images.get_ratio(st.Images.Resolution.MEDIUM, st.Images.Resolution.LOW) # since cameras were obtained on medium imgs
warped_low_imgs = list(warper.warp_images(low_imgs, cameras, camera_aspect))
warped_low_masks = list(warper.create_and_warp_masks(low_sizes, cameras, camera_aspect))
low_corners, low_sizes = warper.warp_rois(low_sizes, cameras, camera_aspect)
# Plot warped images
#plot_images(warped_low_imgs, (10,10))
#plot_images(warped_low_masks, (10,10))
# Warp FINAL resolution images
final_sizes = images.get_scaled_img_sizes(st.Images.Resolution.FINAL)
camera_aspect = images.get_ratio(st.Images.Resolution.MEDIUM, st.Images.Resolution.FINAL)
warped_final_imgs = list(warper.warp_images(final_imgs, cameras, camera_aspect))
warped_final_masks = list(warper.create_and_warp_masks(final_sizes, cameras, camera_aspect))
final_corners, final_sizes = warper.warp_rois(final_sizes, cameras, camera_aspect)
# Timelapser DEBUG
# The Timelapser functionality is a nice way to grasp how ti images are wrapped and placed in the final plane
# Default values: Timelapser(timelapse='no')
timelapser = st.Timelapser('as_is')
timelapser.initialize(final_corners, final_sizes)
for img, corner in zip(warped_final_imgs, final_corners):
timelapser.process_frame(img, corner)
frame = timelapser.get_frame()
#plot_image(frame, (10,10))
# Show the combined mask to see how the images are placed
cropper = st.Cropper()
mask = cropper.estimate_panorama_mask(warped_low_imgs, warped_low_masks, low_corners, low_sizes)
plot_image(mask, (5,5))
# ==========================================
# =========== Stitch Images =================
# Seam Masks
# The seams are obtained on the warped low resolution images and then resized to the wraped final resolution images.
# Default values: SeamFinder(finder='dp_color')
seam_finder = st.SeamFinder(finder="dp_color")
seam_masks = seam_finder.find(warped_low_imgs, low_corners, warped_low_masks)
seam_masks = [seam_finder.resize(seam_mask, mask) for seam_mask, mask in zip(seam_masks, warped_final_masks)]
seam_masks_plots = [st.SeamFinder.draw_seam_mask(img, seam_mask) for img, seam_mask in zip(warped_final_imgs, seam_masks)]
#plot_images(seam_masks_plots, (15,10))
# Exposure Compensator
# Default values: ExposureErrorCompensator(compensator='gain_blocks', nr_feeds=1, block_size=32)
# The Exposure Error are estimated on the warped low resolution images and then applied on the warped final resolution images.
compensator = st.ExposureErrorCompensator(compensator='channel', nr_feeds=1, block_size=32)
compensator.feed(low_corners, warped_low_imgs, warped_low_masks)
compensated_imgs = [compensator.apply(idx, corner, img, mask)
for idx, (img, mask, corner)
in enumerate(zip(warped_final_imgs, warped_final_masks, final_corners))]
# Blending
# Default values: Blender(blender_type='multiband', blend_strength=5)
# The blend strength thereby specifies on which overlap the images should be overlayed along the transitions of the masks.
blender = st.Blender(blender_type='multiband', blend_strength=10)
blender.prepare(final_corners, final_sizes)
for img, mask, corner in zip(compensated_imgs, seam_masks, final_corners):
blender.feed(img, mask, corner)
panorama, _ = blender.blend()
plot_image(panorama, (15,15))
# Save the panorama
output_filename = './outputs/panorama.jpg'
cv.imwrite(output_filename, panorama)
# Output the seam masks DEBUG
blended_seam_masks = seam_finder.blend_seam_masks(seam_masks, final_corners, final_sizes)
#plot_image(blended_seam_masks, (5,5))
plot_image(seam_finder.draw_seam_lines(panorama, blended_seam_masks, linesize=2), (15,10))
#plot_image(seam_finder.draw_seam_polygons(panorama, blended_seam_masks), (15,10))