I am not sure if this the right to forum to ask this question, however I am unable to post this question, on the FLIR developers forum, so I will ask here.
I am planning to use the purethermal 2 with a lepton 2.5, to detect people.
The purethermal 2 seems to work just fine with the FLIR application on windows, and also with window’s Camera.
However when I switch to python and opencv and try to do:
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
_, img = cap.read()
the program gets stuck, and the white LED, on the camera flashes rapidly (I believe that it mean that it does capture video), and in the end I am unable to read the image.
After some searching around, I found I should to use:
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
While I can get an image using this declaration, I get a mostly grey image which seems broken, and not an RGB image.
How should I use the purethermal 2 and opencv?
many thanks!