Some issue with cmake and opencv

Detailed description

recently i am working on my first project, which is using intel d455 to track skeleton. i am planning use opencv to complete. i had read some articles, and one of them is from intel.
and this site lead me to

i follow the description down below, and find out an error which i can’t solved.
after clicking configure and this occurred.
↓error description

honestly, i had no idea what happened to my CMake, and what i done so far seem to be unrelated to my current project.
i am confused.
can someone point out the problem in my cmake, and how can i do to solve.

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Have you got visual studio 2022 with c++ compiler installed?

PS please close your issue
and don’t use image for error text message

I am also having the same problem as you.
I am at an impasse. Have you solved your problem yet. If solved, please guide me