I am using CMake gui, opencv_contrib 4.x and tried both opencv 4.7 and 4.8.
Everytime i build ALL_BUILD in VS2019 (x64). I get a ton of errors mostly from cv::hal_baseline and most in the form of overloading or different number of parameters.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C2780 ‘cv::hal_baseline::v_uint64x2 cv::hal_baseline::v_shr(const cv::hal_baseline::v_uint64x2 &)’: expects 1 arguments - 2 provided opencv_xphoto C:\Installations\CudaOpenCV\src\opencv_contrib-4.x\modules\xphoto\src\grayworld_white_balance.cpp 328
I also am trying to build all of them even though i mostly need only cuda related ones like cudaarithm for example.
What could I be possible doing wrong. I am not checking world either.