When is an iOS version containing the privacy manifest file be released?

OpenCV’s iOS SDK needs to comply to Apple’s new privacy manifest file requirement: I can see that the repository already has a PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file that seems correctly implemented, but when is it going to be out in a release?

that file was only introduced 3 weeks ago (entire file history is just one commit).

I’d guess it’ll be in the upcoming release(s). IDK what schedule they follow these days, if any.

The thing is that Apple is already sending out warnings to apps that are submitted without fully satisfying this requirement.

Also, Apple is taking a big step tomorrow towards enforcing this, see: Describing use of required reason API | Apple Developer Documentation

Is it this file?

If you cannot wait next version (june?) build opencv yourself

if this is so urgent, why did someone report the issue only three months ago (february)?