How can i stitch different image to form one image and remove the error?

Hello everyone,

I captured some images from of the one piece and i wanted to make a single image by stitching all images together. However, in the image stitching i am facing issues like

1)Previous Image strips does not match with next image strips, You can see the issue in image named as “Whole Picture issue”. Can you guys tell me how to solve this error?

2)After removing the error, whole image in actual should be like this , you can see error free image named as “Whole Picture actual”

3)Name of the each image, You can see actual image named as “Whole Picture naming”

4)All separate images, You can see folder named as “Each pictures” to do perform stitching.

Can you guys tell me a code to remove this error and stitch all the images in the Matlab. Thanks a ton.


no, we can’t, this is opencv, not matlab
(seems you’re asking in the wrong place !)

@berak , sorry it was typo mistake. can i correct it ?I would like to do it in OpenCV

let’s discuss the problems then.

show us your stitching code. then we can figure out why you get this error and how to prevent it.

or do you have no stitching code and this issue is just hypothetical?

I don’t have code, my coding skill is very low. Can you please help me to solve this problem? This problem is real

there are plenty of articles that explain stitching in theory and in practice. OpenCV docs explain the stitching module’s facilities.

you presented an error. does that actually happen? if yes, what do you do that makes it happen? if it doesn’t actually happen, why did you present that error? what is its significance?

can you suggest that Open cv documents or code to me?

Yeah this is real problem in image capture, When i took with high capacity camera this error solved. But now this camera, we do not use it anymore due to some other commercial limitations. I just want to remove the error to stitch all the each image together without error. I can’t upload this image, because OPEN CV doesn’t support folder to be upload on the comment. If you want the ALL the individual separate image , write me

can you suggest that Open cv documents or code to me?

Yeah this is real problem in image capture, When i took with high capacity camera this error solved. But now this camera, we do not use it anymore due to some other commercial limitations. I just want to remove the error to stitch all the each image together without error. I can’t upload this image, because OPEN CV doesn’t support folder to be upload on the comment. If you want the ALL the individual separate image , write me

how does the error happen? what do you do? be precise and detailed.

I’ve asked this before. this is the last time I will ask. my patience has limits.

I found your question in other forums. you mentioned matlab in the labview forum as well. that tells me you’ve simply copy-pasted your question with absolute lack of care and respect for the time of other people. I suspect that you’re looking for a free solution rather than help. you won’t get anything handed to you here.

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