I conn't resize an image, how to fix it?

the source image has been shown, but can not to resize the image and exit the application.

please post code as text

There is my code

int imgWidth = 320;
int imgHeight = 240;
uint8_t *imgBuf = nullptr;
cv::Mat srcImg, dstImg;

uint8_t *buf = new uint8_t[imgWidth * imgHeight];
imgBuf = buf;
for (int i = 0; i < imgHeight; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < imgWidth; j++) {
        uint8_t data = rand() % 256;
        buf[i * imgWidth + j] = data;

srcImg = cv::Mat(imgHeight, imgWidth, CV_8UC1, imgBuf);
cv::imshow("srcImg", srcImg);

if (!srcImg.empty()) {
    int newImgWidth = imgWidth * 2;
    int newImgHeight = imgHeight * 2;
    cv::resize(srcImg, dstImg, cv::Size(newImgWidth, newImgHeight), 0, 0, cv::INTER_NEAREST);

if (!dstImg.empty()) {
    cv::imshow("dstImg", dstImg);

you are mixing GUI toolkits: Qt and whatever opencv was built with.

that is dangerous and likely the cause of all issues you experience.

as long as there is any Qt involved, we can’t help.

I got it, this question come from the opencv configure problem in qt .pro file

There is no problem with win32ui check :

        cout << srcImg.rows << "," << srcImg.cols << "\n";
        cout << dstImg.rows << "," << dstImg.cols << "\n";

You can use rng::fill instead of rnd

Thank you for your help, I had fixed it.