Is there an easy to use vehicle speed tool?

I’m trying to monitor traffic speeds in my suburban road. Traffic speeds vary between 20mph (legal), 30mph (normal) up to about 80mph (the real crazies). I’m just after an easy to use program that will run on Windows 11. I already have Python and opencv installed. I can program in python but I’d much rather use a program that already worked.

The camera’s view is partially obscured by a tree and parked cars - is this a major issue or do programs understand that views are never perfect? It would be nice if I could calibrate via the screen rather than decode json files. It would be great if the output was a simple time, mph and image that I could then work with.

Many thanks for your time.

in the simplest case, which beginners always have to complicate, this needs:

  • a camera looking at the road, from a right angle, and I mean right angle
  • a parameter or two, measured/calculated manually
  • detection of cars, tracking

Thanks for your help, the idea of pointing the camera at the road was particularly helpful.

it’s all about geometry. right angle, not diagonally or any other way that happens to be convenient for you to place or angle the camera. I wasn’t joking. you decide how you wanna play this. I generally stop responding for good when people dismiss me like you just did.

if you want to program it, go ahead and give it a try, but don’t expect anyone to know programs. none here are in the employ of any Department Of Transportation, thus unlikely to know “programs” for this specific application.

In all honesty I can’t work out whether you’re trying to take the p1ss or whether you genuinely think you’re helping. Your responses haven’t attempted to answer any of my questions and suggesting that I point the camera at the road just makes me wonder about the knowledge of the moderators on the forum. Please feel free to move on and “help” someone else.

go ahead, grab some object detector. they’re free, all over the place, and some are even easy to get going. AI is everywhere.

run it on your video footage. you’ll get bounding boxes. if you’re lucky, you see just one car at a time, not multiple in the same frame. that makes “tracking” trivial. now you can calculate displacement from frame to frame.

given pixels in X and distance in Z, you can calculate how much distance in X the thing moved.

don’t make this hard on yourself. not actively looking for offense is a valuable skill in life (see your reaction to my first post). you aren’t gonna get handed anything either. that’s not sustainable. everyone wants free stuff. we aren’t spending our time and keystrokes on random strangers that haven’t shown that they care. you are a stranger to me. if you show me that you actually tried to put some effort into approaching this (beyond asking to be given a program), it’ll be fine.

Please just move on and “help” someone else.

If anyone can point me towards a basic python program then that would be great. I can alter it to my needs. It seems a bit foolish rewriting the wheel.