OpenCV Python: Different Versions of OpenCV produce different results when HoughLinesP() function is called with the same arguments

I have some code from a while ago that runs on an old version of OpenCV (cv2 version=Rev: 4557 ) and I am trying to update it to work on a later version (cv2 version=3.4.2).

The problem I am having is that when given the exact same parameters, the HoughLinesP function does not always produce the exact same output in both versions.

Here is a bit of code I created that demonstrates this occurrence:

print('cv2 version=' + cv2.__version__)
img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1], 0)
lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(img, 1.0, numpy.pi/(1.0*360.0), 5, minLineLength=14, maxLineGap=9)
print('number of lines detected: ' + str(max(len(lines), len(lines[0]))))

When run with the exact same file on the different versions of OpenCV here are the results:

cv2 version=$Rev: 4557 $
number of lines detected:  16
[[[371   0 377 127]
  [370   0 376 127]
  [381 193 386 397]
  [383 237 383 255]
  [386 311 387 397]
  [380 194 381 278]
  [383 322 383 294]
  [379 195 379 217]
  [370   4 371  43]
  [385 379 385 395]
  [385 332 385 301]
  [374  34 375  55]
  [381 250 382 207]
  [386 364 387 335]
  [382 279 382 256]
  [372  67 376  90]]]
cv2 version=3.4.2
number of lines detected:15
[[[371   0 377 127]]
 [[370   0 376 127]]
 [[381 193 386 397]]
 [[383 237 383 255]]
 [[386 311 387 397]]
 [[380 194 381 278]]
 [[383 322 383 294]]
 [[379 195 379 217]]
 [[370   4 371  43]]
 [[385 379 385 395]]
 [[385 332 385 301]]
 [[374  34 375  55]]
 [[381 250 382 207]]
 [[386 364 387 335]]
 [[382 279 382 256]]]

When run with OpenCV version 3.4.2, all the same lines as the older version are found except for the last line [372 67 376 90]. It is worth noting that this disparity in results between versions is a rare occurrence and has only happened with a few of the images I have tested, it is still a problem as sometimes it misses important lines.

Does anyone know if it is possible to reproduce the exact results as OpenCV Rev: 4557 in OpenCV 3.4.2 or later.

do you know what version corresponds to “Rev 4557”? your code must be from 2012 or earlier.

you have to expect bug fixes and improvements to code. if you think it’s missing a line that it should find according to all the parameters and the principle of its operation, please prepare a bug report including a Minimal Reproducing Example including all required data.

I’m not too sure exactly what version Rev: 4557 corresponds to. However, I have run the code on OpenCV and that gets the exact same results as the Rev: 4557 version.