Your opinion about industrial usb cam

I now my question is not directly in link with opencv .For the moment i use old webcam with different integrated fonction(zom x 10,light correction…) and sometime those diffrence make problems.
So i wonder if i don’t ave to invest in those camera:
industrial camera on ebay
I would like to now what you think about this cam for visual computing.

Well, I wouldn’t recommend that thing. That’s not an industrial camera, it’s more like a webcam with (probably) very bad quality optics.

You didn’t tell anything about what do you want to use it for. What resolution, focal length do you need, what lighting do you have, any other particular conditions…

Anyway, for that price I would recommend a higher-end webcam or maybe an ArduCam camera (UVC USB Camera Module Archives - Arducam). Another alternative could be a Raspberry Pi HQ camera ( and a CSI-USB converter (Arducam IMX477 UVC Camera Adapter Board for 12MP Raspberry Pi HQ Camera - Arducam).

For industrial cameras you should buy a well-known brand, like Basler, PointGrey, uEye etc.