I have made a simple code using OpenCV.
Basically after detecting faces, it writes the output with a timestamp, in given intervals.
It also can send e-mail, so that it can work as a watchdog for your computer intruders.
I want to post this under OpenCV licenses. (make it open source)
How am I supposed to do that?
many thanks
July 15, 2022, 2:18pm
opencv code is published under the Apache 2 license
(simply explain this in your program, and add a link to it)
1 Like
Thank you.
Should I open it under OpenCV, or can I just upload it as a project to my page?
This will be my first shared stuff.
Many thanks berak
Thanks again.
I think it is done now.
This small software uses the webcam on your PC, and looks to identify faces. When a face is identified in a frame, the frame will be added to the Video file that the program creates. If selected,...
You are welcome to check and let me know if anything wrong.
July 15, 2022, 4:40pm
well, what you copied here is actually a MIT licence
(they were using that before switching to apache)
((but it’s almost equally permissive, and if that is your choice, why not …))
then, your program is doing face detection (face or not). identification would be: “who is it”, something slightly more advanced, hehe
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Train the AI with face of colleagues you say… Will look onto that. thanks!!
July 15, 2022, 6:05pm
Train the AI with face of colleagues
uuu wait. maybe not !
identifying ppl means crossing a line from “watchdog” to “surveillance”. you would need their consent, if you dont want to be evil …